10 stress-free winter moving tips: Should You Move?

This winter has given us some inclement weather with the promise of more to come; thus, if you are thinking about moving in the near future, here are our top 10 tips for ensuring that the move goes well and that you are able to settle into your new home feeling warm and cosy!
Make space for more time
Plan for anticipated travel delays. Snow and ice, even if they are not necessarily severe enough to cause significant problems, could make travel a little bit slower than usual, both for you and the moving van that you are using. This might be an issue if you are planning on moving during this time. To avoid this always hire the best movers and packers in Dubai.
You should also keep in mind that the days are becoming shorter, which is something that you should keep in mind if you are relocating during the holiday season since it is particularly crucial to keep this in mind. As a result of this, you should make an effort to cram as much as possible into the middle of the day so that you do not need to do an excessive amount of work while it is dark outside.
Dress well
If you are going to attend an event of this scale, you need to make sure that you are appropriately attired. During the time that you are moving, it is essential for you to dress in clothing that is not only comfortable but also lets you move about easily and Moving company will take you as a serious.
It is recommended to wear in layers since the temperature may fluctuate dramatically from inside the house to the car to the outside of the building. Additionally, if you are doing any of the moving yourself, you may even start to sweat! Additionally, footwear ought to be comfortable and, if at all possible, should have non-slip soles.
Keep some basic essentials within easy reach at all times.
It is always a good idea to have some essentials to hand, which do not get packed along with everything else, so that you can make a drink and a snack as you are preparing to move out of your new property – you need to take a short break every now and then to give yourself a chance to refuel and get your strength back!
It is always a good idea to have some essentials to hand, which do not get packed along with everything else, so that you can make a drink and a snack as you are preparing to move out of your new property – you need to take a short break every now and then to give yourself a chance to refuel and get your strength back!
Then, make sure that your “essentials” box is ready when you arrive at your new place, so that you may use it there immediately – you may prefer to transport it with you in your vehicle; for more details on how to accomplish this, see the following recommendation below.
Moving far? Stay warm and pack a picnic.
If you are travelling a bigger distance, it is highly recommended that you pack some cold drinks, sandwiches, and snacks in your vehicle in the event that you do not have enough time to stop at a suitable location along the road.
During the colder months, we would be sure to put on the list a thermos filled with either hot coffee or soup in addition to some warm clothing and boots, as well as a blanket in case of an unexpected emergency.
In the event that you run into any issues when moving home, it is important that you maintain a high level of energy and that you have a way to remain warm. This is actually simply standard guidance for travelling during the winter months, but it is of utmost significance while moving home since you need to ensure that your things are kept warm throughout the process.
Examine your car.
Again, this is advice that should come as no surprise to anybody stepping out during the winter months; nonetheless, it is something that people often forget when they are moving to a new home.
Make certain that your car has been prepared for the winter by having the necessary maintenance performed on it, that it has an adequate supply of fuel, that you have some de-icer and an ice scraper, and that the windscreen wash has been refilled. If there is even a sliver of a chance that it could snow, you need to pack a snow shovel in your car just in case.
Please crank up the temperature.
Before you move into your new home, you should be absolutely certain that you have completed all of the essential preparations to assume control of the power supplies there.
Then, if it is at all feasible, you should contact the previous owners of your new house and make arrangements for them to keep the heating on at a low setting when they move out. This will ensure that your heating costs are as low as possible when you move in.
This is something that you should do especially if they are moving out of the house one or two days before you move in, or if your new home is situated a substantial distance away, which means that the house may remain unoccupied for many hours. Naturally, before they leave, your providers will want to take a reading from the metre, but that is something that they need to do anyway.
Keep your furniture and other items protected.
It is something that we usually recommend doing for the purpose of protecting your furniture and other items, but when the weather is wet, it is much more important to do so. Make an investment in some protective wrapping, or even better,
Make an investment in some protective wrapping, or even better, We strongly recommend that you make use of suitable removals boxes, which are either available for purchase if you plan on moving in a “do-it-yourself” manner or we can provide them to you as part of our comprehensive removals service. If you plan on moving in a “do-it-yourself” manner, we strongly recommend that you use suitable removal boxes.
Floor surfaces should be protected.
In the interest of ensuring the safety of the general public, you should clear away any snow or ice that may be lying about at either end of the move. Then, in order to prevent the ice from refreezing, you may want to sprinkle some salt or sand on top. However, doing so can lead to another problem… If you wear shoes inside your house, you could track in dirt and grit, which might potentially ruin your new carpets and other flooring and even cause damage to it.
We recommend that you protect your floors by putting down sheets and blankets, and you shouldn’t forget about the stairs too, since there will most likely be a lot of foot traffic going up and down them.
However, your first concern should be people’s safety, and you should do all in your power to prevent the creation of surfaces that are either uneven or slick. Floor protection is something that removals specialists such as Ballards are able to supply as part of the removals service they give; this removes yet another cause for concern from the moving process.
Take the younger generations into consideration.
It is crucial to bear in mind that while it would be wonderful if you had friends or relatives who could look after your children while you relocated, this is not always an option that can be pursued due to the fact that it may not always be possible.
To keep the children warm and occupied, provide them with items to play with and, if possible, give them some very simple tasks to do, such as telling them to “search the toy box for the blue bear!” It goes without saying that the toys for the children should be unpacked right away; for this reason, you need to make sure that you are aware of where they are located.
Use professional house movers.
Working with removals professionals such as Ballards can make life a great deal easier on the day of the move since we will take care of the small things for you, regardless of the weather.
This will free you up to focus on more important matters. The last piece of advice that we can provide is to work with removal pros. With our aid, you will be able to move more quickly, which will give you more time to begin settling in and making the most of your new home. We look forward to being of support to you in this endeavour.