Day: September 30, 2022

How to Find a Co-Founder For Your Startup?

How to Find a Co-Founder For Your Startup?

Let’s say you have a product ready to hit the market. But product development is one thing and marketing is something else. So, what do you do? You will team up with someone else so to distribute the workload and create something stunning that people 

How to Get Rid of Heat Rashes Quickly

How to Get Rid of Heat Rashes Quickly

Heat rash, also known as prickly heat or miliaria, is a skin condition that causes small, red bumps to appear on the body due to sweating. It usually occurs when the air temperature and humidity are high. The rash usually appears on your chest and 

The Sable German Shepherd – Facts & Guide

The Sable German Shepherd – Facts & Guide

One of the recognized variations of the German Shepherd is the Sable color. It is the most iconic color of all shepherds. It is also the ideology of a dog founder who wants a true Shepherd dog. However, this Sable-colored dog looks distinct from other