3 Tips to Prepare a CV/Resume for CDR Assessment

Are you planning to migrate to Australia as an engineer? Then you must be familiar with the CDR (Competency Demonstration Report) assessment process. The CDR is an essential requirement for engineers who wish to migrate to Australia. It is used to demonstrate an individual’s skills, knowledge, and work experience to Engineers Australia, the regulatory body for engineers in Australia. A well-prepared CDR can make a difference in your migration application approval. You can check the Practical Tips to prepare your CV-Resume for CDR Assessment. Here are three tips to prepare a CV/Resume for CDR assessment.

Understand the CDR Guidelines & Tips to Prepare a CV

The first step in preparing a CV/Resume for CDR assessment is to understand the guidelines provided by Engineers Australia. The guidelines outline the format and structure of the CDR report. It is essential to follow the guidelines strictly to avoid rejection of the CDR application. The CDR report consists of three parts: Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Three Career Episodes (CEs), and a Summary Statement. The CPD demonstrates your knowledge and skills, while the CEs demonstrate your work experience in detail. The Summary Statement is a summary of your skills, knowledge, and work experience that links to the Engineers Australia competency standards.

Highlight Your Achievements

The second tip is to highlight your achievements in the CEs. The CEs provide an opportunity to showcase your engineering skills and experience. It is essential to provide detailed information about your achievements in your work experience. You can include technical details, project management skills, and your role in the projects. Make sure to highlight the projects that relate to your nominated occupation. It is also essential to demonstrate your problem-solving skills and how you contributed to the success of the projects.

Use Action Verbs and Quantify Results

Using action verbs and quantifying results can make your CEs more impressive. Action verbs like managed, led, designed, and analyzed can make your achievements stand out. Also, quantifying your results can demonstrate your impact on the projects. For example, you can use phrases like “reduced cost by 20%,” “increased productivity by 30%,” or “saved 50% in time and resources.” These quantifiable achievements demonstrate your abilities and show how you contributed to the project’s success.

Keep the CDR Report Professional for Tips to Prepare a CV

The third tip is to keep the CDR report professional. It is essential to use proper English and avoid using jargon or technical terms that may not be familiar to the assessor. Keep in mind that the assessor may not be familiar with the projects or technologies you have worked on. Therefore, it is essential to provide a brief explanation of technical terms and acronyms. Also, keep the language formal and avoid using slang or colloquialisms.

Proofread and Edit

Finally, it is crucial to proofread and edit the CDR report before submission. Ensure that the report is free of grammatical errors, typos, or punctuation mistakes. The CDR report is a reflection of your skills and professionalism. Therefore, it is essential to present a well-structured, error-free report.


In conclusion, preparing a CV/Resume for CDR assessment requires attention to detail and following the guidelines strictly. Highlighting your achievements, using action verbs, and quantifying results can make your CEs impressive. Keeping the language professional and avoiding jargon or slang is also essential. Finally, proofreading and editing the report before submission can help present a professional and error-free report.

Keeping all of this in mind, CDR For Engineer, also known as the best resume writing services Provider in Australia, is here to assist you with CDR CV-Resume writing in Australia. We have a team of expert Expert writers who can provide you with Professional CV-resume writing services at very low pricing by following Professional CV-resume writing Tips for Engineers Australia. So, stay connected with CDR For Engineer which is known for Professional C-resume writing services in Australia for CDR CV Resume writing help in Australia.


What is a CDR?

A CDR is a Competency Demonstration Report used by Engineers Australia to assess the skills, knowledge, and

How many Career Episodes are required in a CDR report?

Three Career Episodes are required in a CDR report. Each Career Episode must be written in detail and should demonstrate the applicant’s engineering skills and work experience.

How can I demonstrate my problem-solving skills in the CDR report?

You can demonstrate your problem-solving skills in the CDR report by providing detailed information about your role in the projects. You can explain the problems you encountered, your approach to solving the problems, and the results you achieved. Use action verbs and quantify your results to make your achievements stand out.

How long should the CDR report be?

There is no specific word count for the CDR report. However, it is essential to follow the guidelines and provide enough detail about your skills and work experience. The report should be concise and well-structured, and it should demonstrate your engineering competencies.

Can I include non-engineering work experience in the CDR report Tips to Prepare a CV ?

Yes, you can include non-engineering work experience in the CDR report if it is relevant to your engineering competencies. However, it is essential to focus on your engineering skills and work experience and provide enough detail to demonstrate your competency.

How long does it take to prepare a CDR report?

The time required to prepare a CDR report depends on the individual’s skills and work experience. It can take several weeks to gather the required information and prepare the report. It is essential to start preparing the report well in advance to avoid missing the submission deadline.