5 Surprising Spine Surgery Facts That You Need to Know

When you think of surgery, you probably envision a pretty routine procedure. After all, most surgeries involve making cuts in the body and closing them up afterward. But when it comes to surgeries, variety is the spice of life. With so many different procedures available, there are plenty of surprising facts about spine surgery that everyone should know.
Not all spine surgeries are alike.
There are many different types of surgery available for back pain — everything from minimally invasive spine surgeries to open back surgery with blood transfusions and risky spinal fusions. The way you choose your spine surgery might depend on what’s most appropriate for your individual needs. A small proportion of surgeries affect more than 25% of patients. Many types of spine surgeries have a 1-5% complication rate — rates that are worryingly high, but not entirely uncommon. It’s important to understand that a surgery’s complication rate is an estimate. It’s not a prediction. Research suggests that after reviewing your medical history, the doctor will know exactly what’s going to happen during the surgery. The specific details of the procedure will be taken into account to make sure that the complication rate is as low as possible.
The most common types of spine surgery are minimally invasive. In contrast to open back surgery, which can involve invasive procedures such as blood transfusions and spinal fusion, spine surgeries are generally done via minimally invasive techniques. This means that just a few small incisions are made in the body — incisions that heal more quickly and don’t leave scars. More expensive procedures (such as robotic surgery) are also on the rise. Robotic surgery is a type of minimally invasive spine surgery that allows spine surgeons to perform more complex procedures. It requires a fully equipped operating room, so it’s only offered at some hospitals.
Moreover, robotic surgery generally costs more than traditional spine surgeries — an average of $39,000, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The price tag is pretty high — but still lower than spinal fusion. That’s because robotic surgeries generally require fewer operations than fusion procedures. The average price for spine surgery is currently $39,000. There is currently a surge in spine surgeries — and spine surgeries are expensive, too. That’s because more people are seeking out back pain treatments than ever before.
More people are choosing to have back surgery as a treatment option, too — and more people are seeking out back surgery as a treatment option, too. In fact, spine surgeries are the second-most common type of surgery in the US. Most people need two weeks off work to recover fully. A good rule of thumb is that you should take two weeks off of work after spine surgery. This gives your body enough time to heal and get back to normal. You should also be sure to follow up with your doctor to make sure that you’re recovering well. For some surgeries, alternative downtime options are available. For some surgeries, there are alternatives to taking two weeks off work. For example, some hospitals offer less-intrusive alternatives that let you leave work a few days earlier.
Some surgeries may even be done on an outpatient basis — without requiring you to stay overnight in the hospital. You can also arrange for alternative options for some surgeries, such as with a doctor’s office visit instead of an in-person hospital visit. You can reduce your risk for back surgery by keeping active and eating well. If you’re suffering from back pain, there’s a good chance that you’ll undergo spine surgery. But that doesn’t mean that you have to settle for a subpar recovery and experience pain for the rest of your life. You can reduce your risk for nerve damage after back surgery by taking care to prepare before the operation and aftercare measures afterward. If you’re undergoing surgery that involves nerves, it’s especially important to follow up and make sure that you’re recovering well. This includes avoiding bending over, lifting heavy objects, and engaging in other activities that put stress on your nerves.
Summing up
There’s no better time than now to get your spine checked out. Spine surgeries are becoming more popular, and they can be highly effective in treating back pain. But they also carry a high risk of complications, and they don’t always help people get back to their pre-surgery level of activity. This is why it’s so important to get your spine checked out by a spine surgeon in San Ramon as soon as possible. Your doctor can help you figure out if spine surgery is right for you — and if it is, they can help you get the best care possible. The sooner you see a doctor, the sooner you can get your life back on track.