6 Unique Apps That Make Learning Chemistry Fun

While chemistry assignments can help students master the subject remarkably, complex tasks are enough to arouse negative feelings in many. From loathing, pure indifference, procrastination, and finally seeking guidance from eminent stalwarts- the phase shifts rapidly.
Undeniably, chemistry is an overly tricky subject. But, more than often, students claim that memorising the periodic tables or complicated formulas feels no less than a war. If the situation sounds similar to you, then you are in luck. For in the modern era of technology, a quick online search will unravel countless chemistry apps that will enable you to nail your papers like never before.
Here, we will walk you through certain remarkable tools to help you sail through your excruciating chemistry assignments like a champion. Read Also – How to Study for ACP Certification?
Chem Caper
This impeccable app brings out the fun in chemistry. Available on Android and iOS platforms, this app reinforces the complicated chemistry concepts, associating them with characters and mini-games. Devised by science teachers, this app successfully meets every student’s current ability and practical knowledge, just like a chemistry professor would.
Periodic Droid
The periodic table is the stepping stone in chemistry. Everyone who aims to pursue chemistry must start by memorising it. This cool chemistry app can help you search for elements and even offer detailed information about each element. Above all, it features a simpler user interface so that you do not get lost in all the chemical knowledge.
Chemistry Cheat Sheets
This chemistry app has a similar layout as physics, but one gets to develop in-depth knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenging subjects. It is excessively simple to use and easy to run. If you aim to develop knowledge about various aspects of chemistry, then this app is a must-download.
Molecule 3D
Are you searching for an application that can help you comprehend the structures of molecules remarkably? According to the best minds associated with biology and chemistry assignment help services, this application can be of great use to you. Molecule 3D is a remarkable app that lets you view the 3D molecule structure in various stereo models. As it offers the structures in three dimensions, it becomes easier to comprehend complex molecules.
Socratic by Google
One of the famous apps among students learning chemistry at school and high-school level is Socratic. It is a unique learning app powered by Google AI. The application is also equipped with the remarkable feature of using the camera and voice to comprehend concepts, equations, and other information more clearly.
Chemistry Notes
Chemistry Notes is recommended for college or university-going students. The app is brilliant software you can use to learn all the crucial aspects of chemistry. It incorporated the essential concepts of Chemistry, Atomic Structure, Thermodynamics, Redox Reactions, Chemical Bonding, Classification of Elements, Molecular Structure, Periodicity of Properties, and much more.
This excellent app is hugely beneficial for the students as it becomes handy to master everything in one app at a time.
Next time before you seek cheap assignment help, give this post a thorough read. These are a few impeccable apps that can help you learn the subject. But, remember, at the end of the day, you and your passion determine how much you will learn. Here’s wishing all the luck!
Learning chemistry and remembering complicated formulas can be a mean feat for many. Thus, in this article, we have mentioned certain unique apps that will help students strengthen their foundation in the subject like never before.
Author Bio:
Alley John has been a professional writer and online English lecturer for the last 10 years. He is also associated with MyAssignemnthelp.com and help you with assignment help. Alley has done his Master’s from Brown University, Australia. He loves travelling and vlogging.