How Can Ayurveda Help With Cardiac Problems?

How Can Ayurveda Help With Cardiac Problems?

India is home to more than 30 million people with heart disease and is the country with the highest death rate from heart failure. Studies of the population reveal an increase in heart disease, and it’s not just for people over 50. 10% of heart attacks occur in patients under the age of 30, and over 35% occur in those under 50.

Heart disease medications are very effective. However, the condition is long-lasting, and people must continue to take them throughout their lives. Ayurveda is a holistic way to treat heart disease. It’s a powerful and effective method to improve your health. Multiple studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatment of treating heart disease.

What treatments does Ayurveda have for heart disease?

Heart disease is primarily caused by sedentary lifestyles characterized by inactivity and a high intake of unhealthy, processed foods. Living in the West can lead to cholesterol plaques that can decrease blood flow and worsen heart disease.

Ayurvedic treatments for heart disease include special diets, herbs and herbal remedies as well as yoga techniques that promote healing and pranayama. These therapies can reduce or eliminate the most severe components of heart disease and help reverse or minimize the signs and symptoms. Ayurveda can help beat the heart.

Blood pressure levels at low and high levels

Ayurveda was written about by Dr. P. Mamgain in “Comparative Study of Concepts of Ischaemic Heart Disease in Ayurveda.” This study found that Ayurvedic texts might be the solution to modern-day conditions, and doctors confirmed this in 1993.

A Novel Ayurvedic Therapy to Treat Chronic Heart Failure was written by Rohit M. Sane and published in 1993. This book highlights the benefits of Ayurvedic therapies for heart health. This study shows the Ayurvedic treatment’s benefits, which can increase oxygen absorption and lower systolic pressure.

Increases in Circulation

Ischemic heart disease is caused by poor circulation. Ischemic heart disease is by far the most prevalent cause of death.

Hrid Basti, an Ayurvedic practice that uses hot herbal teas topically to increase blood flow, is known for improving local blood flow via vasodilatation. It reduces spasms in the intercostal muscles. Ayurvedic herbal remedies containing Terminali arjuna increase the effectiveness of contractions in the heart muscle, improving blood circulation.

It increases aerobic function.

Your cardiorespiratory system can be improved by Ayurveda, including breathing techniques, yoga poses, and yoga asanas. A healthy cardiorespiratory system is essential for preventing heart disease, increasing blood flow, and reducing the risk of developing it.

Dr.Rohit Sane and Dr.Milind Hanschate co-authored “Sampurna Hridaya Shuddhikaran”—a study that showed that Ayurvedic treatments improve aerobic function.

Maximum oxygen consumption, or VO2 max, is a measure used to assess the condition of the cardiorespiratory system. The study’s results revealed that therapy could be used to treat heart disease and other related health issues.

Low Cholesterol in High Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels can lead to a variety of health problems. It is important to remember that high cholesterol can cause atherosclerosis when cholesterol plaques build up in the arteries. Bad lifestyle and diet choices can raise LDL (bad cholesterol), while HDL (good cholesterol) can be decreased.

Ayurvedic treatment for heart disease usually includes therapeutic massages using sesame oil. Sesame oil reduces LDL cholesterol can be reduced and even prevented from atherosclerosis. .Heart disease can also be treated with it.

The blood becomes more elastic as a result.

Blood vessels have elastic properties that shrink and stretch as blood flows through them, and this is vital because it keeps blood pressure constant. Ayurvedic treatments can maintain arterial walls’ elasticity and prevent arteries from hardening. Your risk of developing heart disease can be decreased by doing this, and it might even be a treatment option.

Lower Stress Levels

Stress can cause hormone release such as cortisol or adrenaline. Cortisol causes blood sugar to rise, and adrenaline speeds up the heartbeat. Long-term stress can lead to heart disease.

His study entitled “Evaluation of the Efficacy of the Ischemic Reversal Program(IRP) in Patients Suffering from Stable Ischemic Heart Diseases (IHD)” was published recently. Sane noted that Ayurvedic treatments such as Swedana, or fermentation, are effective. This treatment is especially beneficial for heart conditions because it aids mental and physical cleansing and relieves stress and anxiety.

Ayurvedic benefits to heart disease

Ayurveda is a traditional medical system that has many benefits over allopathic care. Ayurvedic treatments may improve your heart health.

There are no adverse consequences.

Adverse side effects can be caused by allopathic treatment for heart disease. Antiplatelet medications can cause dizziness or diarrhea. Anticoagulants can cause gangrene. An irregular or increased heart rate.

As time passes, the likelihood of having severe adverse reactions to medication increases, and these adverse reactions are more common in patients with chronic heart conditions. Research has shown that Ayurvedic treatments are safe and effective, and the benefits are also increased if used regularly.

Simple Access

The healthcare system is overwhelmed, and essential medications are not always available. Private companies can be pretty expensive, which can significantly increase the cost of a prescription. Ayurvedic herbs, however, are readily available and can even be purchased in pots for immediate access.

Long-Lasting Results

Patients who endure the treatment for a long time can reap the long-term benefits of Ayurvedic therapies. Dr.Sane’s retrospective cohort study on the survival and mortality rates of Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) patients treated with Ayurvedic Sampurna Hidaya Shudhikaran (SHS) therapy found that 72% of patients had experienced effective improvement.  Even three years later, the results were still good. This demonstrates that Ayurvedic heart disease treatments are not only effective but also long-lasting.


The rising demand has caused a dramatic increase in the cost of medications for heart conditions. These medications are incredibly costly in rural areas, where most out-of-pocket expenses are for medicine. Ayurveda can be a financial solution as it helps to reduce dependence on allopathic medications and lowers health care costs.

Increases overall health.

Ayurvedic heart care treatments use synergistic medicine to improve heart function. These holistic therapies can improve overall health and reduce the risk of severe health problems. Ayurveda is known to improve patients’ physical, mental, and emotional well-being, allowing them to live longer and enhance their quality of life.

Ayurvedic treatment of heart disease can be combined with allopathic medicines or used alone. Ayurveda can be an excellent way to treat heart conditions. However, it is essential to consult your doctor before you start to use regular Ayurvedic treatment. Ayurvedic specialists can help you choose the right heart health program for you.