Ways To Promote Your Mobile App

Now that you have created a mobile app and uploaded it to the Play store and/or IOS, it’s time to market your app and create awareness amongst the target audience. The app may have been built by an in-house software team or outsourced to some custom mobile app development company. There is no use of introducing a mobile app if a proper marketing has not been done. Promotion of mobile app can be done in various way where the campaigns can be paid or unpaid. Starting with only one technique moving on to various new ones realizing which one works for the company and which one doesn’t is the main step while implementing a promotion campaign.
Landing page introduction
Most important aspect just after launching an app if a proper brief introduction of the app. This introduction can be one liner or a small paragraph stating of what exactly the app is. Take for example Twitter. In their introduction paragraph twitter states the location of where their head office is which San Francisco. Moreover, it states in one liner sentence that it is a social media app responsible for communications and posting thoughts globally and that is it. Simple yet subtle explanation can improve the user experience and makes it easy for the user to understand what exactly this app is about.
Start a blog
Blogging is extremely necessary to increase the traffic flow for your application. By posting multiple blogs daily or weekly, what one can do is to add backlinks to the website or to the application. This will direct the reader of the blog towards the app or website and result in an increase in the number of downloads.
Use social media
A common misconception is that by simply adding links to social media will increase the traffic flow. Well it does not always works like that. There are various kinds of posts that needed to be added on certain social platforms and those post should be engaging and interesting enough for user to spent more time on the company’s social media. This can be done by introducing polls, static posts, gifs, humorous posts or videos providing information related to the application.
Teasers or test versions
A successful step is to introduce a beta version for an app and offer early access to subscribers of the app. By doing this, the app will also be tested for any bugs, UI/UX can be improved by the reviews from the users, curiosity will be developed amongst the users for the full version access and introduction of what sort of features the app offers will be delivered. Take for example the game Call of Duty who introduces a beta version that only selected users could get early access to and experience the gameplay. After taking that approach, based on the reviews, they decided to fix the bugs and improve the quality of the app thus making sure that when the final product is delivered, it is introduced in a perfect manner.
Video intro for the application
This should not be considered as an initial step. Investment for a video should only be done when you are sure that your app offers something different to the users and just after launching an intro to app video the users will be convinced that the app is good enough to use. This step requires a good amount of investment and time and most of the times it is not free.
App reviews
Simply introducing an optional review form on the Play store or IOS is one thing. A more important step is to introduce a pop-up review form while the user is using an app so by doing that the user will have to fill up the form Now it is not necessary that the form should consists various fields. It can only be a one-click form that states, “Rate your experience out of 10” and a number line can be shown below for the user to click and rate the experience.
Info graphs
By choosing a perfect software development company an interesting info graph can be created. Info graphs are extremely important to create traffic flow this is because they are pictures with important knowledge that can be gained in just a few seconds. There are multiple tools that can be used to create info graphs for example visualize.me or Canva. These info graphs can then be share with bloggers or can you can post it on your social media platform for example Pinterest.
App awards
There are numerous online sites that present awards to new apps if they are successful or offers an innovative feature that meets the requirement of the user. Multiple websites of these kinds can be contacted and application for awards should be submitted in order to increase the legitimacy of the app.
User interaction
Just after introducing the app, at the initial stage, if a customer wants to contact regarding some error or needs help, you should particularly focus on that user with high response rate, and solve the issue, if the issue cannot be solved than provide a substitute option but make sure that the user comes to a positive end result.
Start a community
When introducing an app, one way to market the app is to start a community. Cars and Bids introduced by Doug DeMuro is an online car auction app where he decided to introduce a car enthusiast community due to which users felt like they are playing a positive part and felt included in the car community thus raising awareness amongst others and proving the app to be extremely successful.
Free packages or giveaways are a great way of directly raising subscribers. The developer asks the users to like/subscribe or tag their friends to this app creating awareness and in return, the company will provide a free gift to a random selected user. The gift is not necessarily expensive and mostly the ROI is extremely high in this case.
Job Opportunity
By posting a job opportunity the company shows that is active, growing and looking to hire fresh new talent. Also the fact that if someone searches for a new job, the company’s name might appear letting the person know that this company exists and that it should be discovered thus by doing this there is a high chance that the traffic flow increases with the number of downloads.