NovoClinical Review

NovoClinical Review

NovoClinical offers a flexible and customizable software solution. It is easily implemented and offers both on-premise and cloud-based deployment. It is easy to learn how to use and customize the software, and it includes many customized features, including Meaningful Use 2015 certification and automatic data entry for demographics. So, it also allows for the customization of reports.


Novoclinical EHR systems are cloud-based and facilitate secure exchange of patient health information. They help physicians and healthcare organizations to collaborate more effectively and efficiently, and also streamline the patient transfer process. Novoclinical EHRs also support direct clinical messaging, allowing physicians to securely communicate with each other, as well as send prescriptions directly to pharmacy staff. This allows for faster and more accurate ePrescriptions.

Another major benefit of Novoclinical is its integration with lab results, eliminating the need for faxing test results to and from providers. The user interface is intuitive, compatible with iPads, and offers customizable reports. In addition, the system is HIPAA-compliant and offers secure inbound faxing.


NovoClinical is a cloud-based or on-premise EHR system that is easy to use and implement. It has a familiar user interface that resembles paper charts, with customizable reports and templates tailored to each practice. Using NovoClinical is easy, and it can be used by doctors and other healthcare professionals quickly. The software received ONC HIT certification in April 2018, and it’s affordable, too.

With the customizable version of NovoClinical, you can add or remove features as needed to meet your specific needs. Some features include appointment scheduling, charting, decision support, e-Prescribing, and more. It also integrates with lab results and integrates with the EHR system, which eliminates the need for faxing test results. In addition, Novoclinical is HIPAA-compliant and supports secure inbound faxing.


NovoClinical is an integrated, cloud-based electronic health record (EHR) system. It is designed to meet the needs of any specialty and billing environment. It provides patient portal access and minimizes the amount of document processing at the point of service. In addition, NovoClinical provides an interface based on the traditional paper chart formats.


Novoclinical is an e-prescribing system that helps hospitals and clinics increase the efficiency of their business processes. It also helps reduce errors by automating processes such as insurance checkups and billing. The system also automatically generates invoices and ensures the accuracy of data. Its advanced reporting tools help administrators keep track of in-process and paid claims.

Implementation of NovoClinical is simple, and the software is available for on-premise or cloud deployment. The user interface is similar to the one used in paper charts, which makes it easy for medical staff to become familiar with it. It also allows users to customize reports and features according to their needs.

Lab integration

The lab integration module of an EHR should allow users to upload and graph results. This makes it easier for both clinicians and patients to understand the results. It should also provide a patient portal where results can be accessed and reviewed by the patient. This helps ensure medical compliance and better outcomes.

A lab integration engine enables the physician’s office and lab to communicate with each other through a single interface. This eliminates the need for point-to-point interfaces and instead creates a single gateway for all labs and EMRs. This integration also allows clinicians to assign test orders and receive messages back from the lab. It also provides a single source of information on patients, including any relevant lab values.

Lab integration is an important feature of an EHR. Using an integrated system to manage patient lab results can streamline the process and increase patient engagement. With an integrated system, lab results are immediately available to the provider and the patient, eliminating the need for lengthy patient wait times. Using lab results in the EHR can lead to quicker diagnosis and treatment plans.