How Do I Choose A Support Coordinator?

How Do I Choose A Support Coordinator?

Support coordinators are an essential part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). They are responsible for connecting you to the necessary support so you can reach your goal more effectively. Their goal is to make sure that you live a healthy and happy life while getting all your help and funds from NDIS.

Who Is A Support Coordinator?

The support coordinator is the person you hire who gets access to your NDIS support. It is a type of support you can add to your NDIS plan, and they provide you with the relevant funds to hire a support coordinator. Understanding the NDIS plan can be difficult, especially for new participants, which is why having support coordination added to your plan is extremely important. The support coordinator not only understands your plan but also connects you with the support you need in order to achieve your goals. They make independent living more achievable for the participants.


Complete Connect provides NDIS support coordination. They have a highly professional team of support coordinators who are experienced and qualified enough to help you meet your goals.


How To Choose A Support Coordinator?

Choosing a support coordinator is an important decision, and you cannot make it without proper knowledge about them. It won’t bring you closer to your goal if you hire the wrong support coordinators and then have to look for the right one again. Hence, it is better to make the right choice the first time. Here are some things that a good support coordinator must have.

Proper Knowledge

You are hiring a support coordinator to get professional help because you don’t fully understand your NDIS plan. If your support coordinator does not have proper knowledge of the program either, they might end up wasting your time by giving you bad advice regarding your support and funds. While searching for support coordinators, make sure that you hire someone with proper knowledge and experience in the field.

Problem Solving Skills

One of the duties of a support coordinator is to solve problems related to your NDIS plan. They are responsible for connecting you to relevant support and managing your funds; however, in case there is a problem with the support you are receiving, they should know how to solve it. You shouldn’t have to worry about these things while you have a support coordinator; if you do, it’s time to change your support coordinator.


Different support coordinators charge different prices, and hiring the first person you come across is never a better option. You might find all the qualities in the first person, but he could be overcharging you, and you wouldn’t know because you did not do a market survey. Check the prices of different support coordinators to see who is offering the best package.


The last thing you need to check before hiring a support coordinator is to check their testimonials. They must have worked for other participants in the past, see what they have to say about their services and then make your decision wisely.

How Can I Get Support Coordination In NDIS?

NDIS plans a meeting with their participants once a year. If you are a new participant, you will get your first meeting with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), in which you will mention the goals you want to achieve in the next year and the support you think will help you achieve that goal. NDIA will analyse your request to check if the support you have requested is reasonable and necessary to reach your goals, and if it is, NDIA will approve the funding for it.


Similarly, you can request support coordination in your plan meeting, and NDIA will analyse if you need support coordination to reach your goal and add it to your plan. Remember that NDIS does not provide funds for something that is not considered reasonable and necessary for your goals, so you have to justify your requests and convince them that you need it to achieve your goals more efficiently.


If you are looking for NDIS support coordination, reach out to Complete Connect, and their team of support workers will help you get the best support coordinator in town.