How To Become An Artist Like Kumar Vihaan

How To Become An Artist Like Kumar Vihaan

In order to become an artist like Kumar Vihaan, one must first understand what it means to be an artist. An artist is someone who creates art, whether it is painting, sculpture, music, or any other form of expression. Being an artist requires a certain level of creativity and passion for art. It also takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

Who is Kumar Vihaan?

Kumar Vihaan is an artist who has been making a name for himself in the art world. He was born in India and raised in the United States. He received his BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design and his MFA from the Yale University School of Art.

Kumar Vihaan’s work has been shown in galleries and museums across the United States and Europe. His work often deals with issues of race, identity, and culture. He is a rising star in the art world, and his work is highly sought after by collectors.

How did Kumar Vihaan become an artist?

Kumar Vihaan was born in India and raised in the United Arab Emirates. He started out as a child prodigy, winning a drawing competition at the age of five. His talent was quickly recognized by his family and friends, who encouraged him to pursue his passion for art.

Kumar Vihaan went on to study at the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design, where he honed his skills and developed his unique style. After graduation, he moved to New York City and began working as a professional artist.

Kumar Vihaan’s work has been featured in numerous galleries and exhibitions around the world. His paintings are known for their vibrant colors and emotional power. Kumar Vihaan is a truly gifted artist who has found success by following his heart.

What drives Kumar Vihaan to continue creating art?

In a world that is so often consumed by darkness, Kumar Vihaan strives to bring light through his art. As an artist, he feels a deep responsibility to create something beautiful and meaningful that can touch the lives of others.

Kumar Vihaan has found great fulfillment in creating art that can make people smile and feel happy. Even on days when he doesn’t feel like painting, he knows that the act of creating art is its own reward. It is this passion and drive that motivates him to continue creating despite the challenges.

He believes that art has the power to change the world, one person at a time. And he will continue to create art as long as there are people who need it in their lives.

Kumar Vihaan’s advice for aspiring artists

In a world filled with art, it can be difficult to stand out. But, artist Kumar Vihaan has some advice for aspiring artists who want to make a name for themselves.

“First and foremost, you have to be passionate about what you’re doing,” Kumar Vihaan says. “If you’re not passionate about your art, it will show in your work.”

Kumar Vihaan also believes that artists need to be patient and persistent if they want to be successful. “You can’t just give up after one try,” he says. “It takes time and effort to build a successful career in the arts.”

So, if you’re an aspiring artist who is looking for some advice, remember these tips from Kumar Vihaan. With passion and persistence, you can achieve your dreams.


In conclusion, if you want to become an artist like Kumar Vihaan, you need to be passionate and dedicated to your art. You also need to be able to market yourself and your work. Lastly, you need to be able to connect with your audience.