Benefits Of Eating Dark Chocolate For Men’s Health

It’s no secret that dark chocolate tastes amazing, but did you know that it’s also one of the healthiest foods on the planet? The problem with dark chocolate, however, is that it’s very high in sugar and fat, so you need to make sure that you get your hands on the highest quality dark chocolate possible to take advantage of its many benefits. Once you do that, though, you’ll be able to improve your health, lose weight and even build muscle faster than ever before!
Men Who Eat Dark Chocolate Regularly Reduce Their Risk Of Heart Disease
This is because flavonoids in cocoa can help dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow, which can lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation and lower LDL cholesterol, which contributes to plaque buildup in arteries. When your heart has a healthy supply of blood and nutrients it’s better able to perform its essential functions, meaning you can improve heart-related fitness just by enjoying some sweet treats from time to time! This includes helping you achieve stronger erections as well as maintaining strong erections following sexual activity. As a result, you should be more sexually active both during sexual intercourse and also when performing other forms of sexual activity such as oral sex or masturbation so that you don’t suffer from premature ejaculation either!
Men Who Eat Dark Chocolate Reduce Their Chance Of Developing Cancer
According to a new study from Tel Aviv University, men who ate 30 grams of dark chocolate every day for 30 days had a reduced risk of free radical damage in their bloodstream. This reduction in free radicals correlated with an improvement in immune system function that could help prevent cancer or other diseases (anti-aging?!) down the road. So go ahead and eat some chocolate if you’re a man trying to keep up with your woman! But make sure it’s good quality dark chocolate—and at least 70% cocoa solids to get all those antioxidants. And don’t overdo it: more than three ounces per day can hurt blood pressure levels!
Dark Chocolate May Lower Risk Of Dementia
A few studies have found a link between consuming flavanols (which are found in cocoa and are known to improve cognitive performance) and decreased risk of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. However, most of these studies were conducted on elderly populations or animals; other flavanol-containing foods weren’t compared, and there isn’t conclusive evidence that it is indeed caused by flavanols alone. More research is needed to determine if dark chocolate can help prevent dementia specifically — or simply improve general cognitive functioning among older adults with no noticeable symptoms of memory loss or mental impairment. In any case, more research into cocoa’s potential effects on brain function would be welcome. Until then, enjoy your chocolate in moderation! It could still provide benefits in other areas. Dark Chocolate May Lower Risk of Heart Disease: There is some evidence that regularly eating dark chocolate may lower your risk of heart disease, though it does not appear to do so in all cases. One study followed over 10,000 women over an average period of 12 years and found that those who ate a lot of chocolate had lower rates of cardiovascular disease than those who didn’t eat much at all (though only certain types seemed beneficial). On top of that, a recent study published in Nature Medicine suggests compounds derived from cocoa beans may protect against heart failure.
Dark Chocolate Can Help Weight Loss
Dark chocolate is high in fibre, low in fat and full of antioxidants, which can help you lose weight by reducing your overall calorie intake. A study published in the Journal of Food Science found that people who ate a healthy breakfast including dark chocolate weighed an average of 2 pounds less than those who did not eat any breakfast at all or eating a high-fat breakfast like fried eggs, bacon and sausage. The participants also lost 3 per cent more body fat over six months than those who had no breakfasts with chocolate during that period. This easy strategy could make it easier to stick to your diet and lose weight faster if you just start your day with a piece of dark chocolate before eating anything else for breakfast each morning; try adding nuts for extra protein and staying power. For best results, choose bars that are 70 per cent cacao or higher and have at least 20 grams of total carbs per serving. You’ll also want to look for brands that use minimal ingredients, such as cocoa powder, sugar and vanilla extract.