Connecting With Your Higher Self: Steps to Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom

Connecting With Your Higher Self: Steps to Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom

What is “higher self”?


The term “higher self” refers to the spiritual aspect of the human body which deals with self reflection and higher insight which is linked with personal growth. Many other different names, such as the divine self, true self, soul, or inner wisdom are used for it.


The higher self is thought to be a part and parcel of our conscious mind that is present above the limitations of our physical existence and worldly identity. It refers to our highest and true self away from conditional limitations of society. It covers the positive instincts such as unconditional compassion, inner wisdom, and connection to the spiritual world around.


Connection with higher self:


Connection with the higher self involves getting in touch with one’s inner wisdom and insight and working upon its guidance. It is about establishing a connection to the spiritual aspect of your body which lies beyond our everyday conscious mind and its activities. This connection ensures greater clarity, self awareness, and a broader view of the spiritual aspect of life and makes you a high vibe person.


Our worldly self focuses on worldly desires, fears, rage, and on wanting external validation while the higher self focuses more on unconditionality such as unconditional love, ethical rules from within which are without any societal pressure. It can ensure inner guidance in making choices that promote our soul’s growth and on many other Spiritual levels.


It is important to understand that the concept of the higher self can differ across different spiritual beliefs. Different cultures and beliefs can have their own concepts of higher self. Higher self is a totally personal experience, and every person has his own particular way of connecting with it. 


Steps to connect with higher self


Here are some steps you can take to form strong connection with your higher self;


Set your intention: Start by setting a clear intention to come into contact with your higher self. Say your intention out loud or write down your intention somewhere, manifesting your wish to deepen your connection and receive guidance from your higher self.


Meditate in a quiet calm space: Find a quiet and peaceful area where you can meditate without any distortion. Try to sit and focus in the light of candles or play light music to create a soothing environment.


Meditation and other spiritual drills: Meditation is a strong way to activate your chakras and for this, try to quiet and tune into your insight. Sit in an easy position, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Try to relax and try to eradicate any negative thoughts in your mind. You can use meditations designed by professional spiritual guides specifically crafted to connect with your higher self or simply sit in peace and focus on your inner experiences.


Mindfulness: Try to practice mindfulness by trying to be fully present in each moment and try to live it. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions. This self-awareness can help you identify the inner messages and spiritual guidance from your higher self.


Writing: Writing can be a useful way to keep in touch with your higher self and insight. After meditating when you feel spiritual chakras activated, take a few minutes to write in a diary or notebook etc.


Ask questions to yourself and seek guidance on various matters of your life from your inner self. Allow your inner self to answer freely and let your intuition work for the purpose and let your higher self guide you freely, by trusting it freely.


Trust your inner self: Your intuition is a gateway to your higher self. Learn to trust your gut feelings and your spiritual insights that rise from within your spirit. Seek guidance from inner wisdom and let it guide you so you can establish a strong connection with your higher self.


Do Creative activities: Creative activities such as painting, writing, dancing, or playing music instruments can help you activate your subconscious mind, which is directly linked with your higher self. Indulging in such activities can help the higher spiritual frequencies to align which establishes a stronger connection with your higher self.


Explore nature: Spending your time in nature can help you establish a connection with your higher self. You must find a peaceful natural place such as a park, forest or mountains and focus on the natural beauty and try to explore it. Try taking peaceful brisk walks, and allow the energy to flow through your body and let nature rejuvenate your inner self.




There is no doubt that connecting to your higher self is a personal and a little bit of time taking journey but one should be patient in it, and should trust your insight and do spiritual practices to deepen your relationship with your higher self and see the spiritual world around you in a different way.