Dressing warm and staying warm while out on the ice is a big consideration, so getting the right ice fishing gear is important in making your day pleasant and comfortable. Not only are the new moisture wicking fabrics on the market great for assisting in keeping the fisherman dry, but the ultra light and very insulating microfibers are excellent at holding in heat and providing maximum strength wind resistance.

Dress in Layers

The key to choosing ice fishing gear that will keep you warm and dry is to focus on dressing in layers, rather than in selecting Karpfenzelt 3 mann one heavy or bulking item to try to do everything. Obviously the inner layers should be designed to keep moisture and perspiration away from your skin, then the next layer should be for insulation, followed by a final layer for wind and moisture resistance from the outside. Each layer of ice fishing gear is critical in preventing hypothermia from setting in on those long hours out on the ice. Even if you have a shanty or ice fishing tent or shelter it is always important to dress fully prepared to get back to shore and to spend time out on the ice in the event of an emergency or blizzard that prevents you from getting back to your vehicle or the shoreline.

The following ice fishing gear is a must:

Moisture wicking under layer

Most sports stores sell moisture wicking clothing for work-outs in the gym, and this can double up for a good under layer for winter. The polypropylene fabric actually draws the moisture away from the skin, preventing that damp feeling that often is seen with cotton. Once your skin gets damp, the cold is much more intense and uncomfortable.

Warming layer

There are many traditional fabrics that work great as the warming or insulating layer of your ice fishing gear. Wool, fleece and even down items can be used. Remember if you are using wool or fleece they will need to have a wind breaking fabric such as a nylon blend on one side to prevent the wind and outside moisture from getting in. Microfiber has become increasingly popular because it is both lightweight and very warm, with water resistance to top it all off.

Water and wind resistance layer

Nylon or leather can be used to act as a wind breaking outer shell, with nylon being much lighter and easy to carry as an extra only to be used if required. Many of the nylon windbreakers or shells fold into clip on pouches, ideal for packing into tackle boxes for use when needed.

Foot Protection

Waterproof rubberized boots with a removable felt liner are a great idea when combined with moisture wicking socks and sports socks. If you have room take an extra pair of felt liners if your feet tend to give off a lot of moisture.

In addition goggles, scarves, face-masks or wool hats with ear flaps are important to keep your head dry and warm, even if your jacket has a hood. Mitts, gloves and hand warmer packets are great ideas to add to your ice fishing gear.

5 Tips for Choosing Your New Swag Bed Roll Tent for Your Next Camping and Fishing Trip

Swag bed rolls and what people want them for have really changed a lot in the past 5 years so we recently took a big trip and looked at all the best swags and asked just about everyone we met what they really, really wanted and liked in a swag.

Here are the results.

  1. Make sure that the canvas used is strong, tough and at least 15oz weight. Anyone can call any fabric canvas just by dipping it in some waterproofing chemical and there are a lot of cheap swags in the marketplace which have canvas that just doesn’t last.
  2. Avoid swags where the foot end is sewn shut as swags can get very hot inside without ventilation and on a wet night you want to be able to get the foot of the swag up off your feet and gear because no matter what some people might tell you, canvas isn’t waterproof – it gets wet and swells in the rain. This is why swags are different to nylon tents which are completely waterproof but don’t breathe and so can be sweatboxes on hot nights.
  3. Avoid swags that have a canvas base as water will come up through the base from wet ground. Usually you will find this type of swag has a plastic sheet built in to the bottom of the mattress. Again, canvas is not waterproof and there is nothing worse than sleeping on a wet mattress.
  4. Avoid swags that have a complicated set up or can’t be set up without poles. Many times on your journeys poles will be lost or broken and if the swag depends on them then it is useless.
  5. Avoid swags that are big and bulky, often you will need to share luggage space with other people so you don’t want to not be able to fit your swag in because it is too big.

Ask yourself is the swag you are looking at light, tough, compact, and can it be put up and down easily even if you forget or run over the poles. Imagine it is pouring rain and you are tired and want to set up quickly, or it is a cold wet morning and you want to break camp and be on your way.