eCommerce Social Media Marketing – Fast and Efficient

With the introduction of Covid-19 last year, we have experienced a fast growth of the tech industry and application. E-commerce has also experienced a significant increase in the userbase and their websites have experienced a significant increase in the traffic.
It is no surprise to anyone that in this day and age the users of the internet leave the traces behind when they are surfing the internet be it social media, their favorite shopping store, or any other infomercial website of their liking, you probably would have noticed that many of the websites ask you to accept the cookies, what actually happens behind the scene is that your internet history is recorded. But this is not to be concerned about as it is beneficial for the user only.
In this new day and age, you do not need to go to the shopping website or application to search for the product or even virtual window shopping, the application in the computer systems are integrated such that they track our history and analyze your likings and interests and make the suggestion based on your preference. Further, they make it easier for both buyers and consumers to reach their designated target.
Social Media is one such way through which the recommendation is made. E-commerce and social media in recent years have integrated with each other very smoothly. In fact, the majority of the advertisement on social media will lead you to the landing page of any e-commerce website. Social media websites/ Applications like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook are flooded with advertisements these days, as it has made it efficient for the e-commerce business to reach their target audience.
Social Media Marketing has become the more efficient way of doing business as it doesn’t require analyzing the large customer data to get the leads, these social media sites do it for them as they have advanced machine learning tools that analyze each consumer’s preference and target the type of product they prefer and which social media sites they often use. Based on that the recommendation through advertisement is made.
Not only on social media but on any website you visit there is a high likelihood that you will be experiencing these ads, though they seem annoying at first they streamline your search for the best product and recommendation. But why is social media that is the preferred destination for these advertisements? This can be understood by the fact that consumers spend most of their time on social media. You might have experienced it too that when you pick your phone unconsciously, any social media application is the first thing you open this is because we are used to doing that and even our muscle memory is trained like that.
Another aspect is application toggling. With the boom of social media websites, Facebook and YouTube are not the only social media sites that consumers prefer, there are now a plethora of mainstream social media applications swarming the smartphone space. Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, Tinder, Bumble you name it the list would never end. The craze for these social media sites has increased to such an extent that they have taken over the usability and engagement of other applications.
The attention span of the users has decreased because of that and they get bored pretty easily. This has led to them installing multiple different social media applications according to their preference. What this has led to is that most often they end up toggling through these social media applications. This has made easier for the e-commerce business to increase their reachability and most important aspect visibility, you may be wondering how, well when you’re operating one social media website/application you see plenty of advertisements but you only focus on those which keen your interest but when you switch applications you see those ads again so they are stored in you subconscious brain, so next time you have thought of buying a product there is a high probability that subliminally your brain will make a decision to buy the product whose ads you’ve been seeing. This can reduce the friction between the user and the seller in this case the e-commerce business.
Not only does social media marketing helps e-commerce business with economies of scale to improve and extend their business but they also help small business to improve and extend their business. As you might have stumbled upon the advertisement of Facebook in which they promote the small business owner to shift their businesses online and they will find them the right customers.
Well, that’s when the relationship between social media and e-commerce really thrives. It is not necessary that only the big-name brands have their advertisement on the social media websites/ applications but also the small retailer, artists who likes to create art and want to sell online, the aspiring chef or housewives who can earn by selling their foods online from home, that when the social media marketing really thrives. They connect these small business owners to the customers and in doing so they build community and strengthen the inter-social relationship between people of society.
Social media marketing can be attributed to the rise of many big-name brands in the e-commerce domain. Brands like Amazon in India, Nykaa, Big-Basket, Ajio, Licious, and many more have really taken off in the covid-era, majority of the credit should be given to Social Media Marketing. Who could have thought that not only the delicious biryani or the chicken curry but also the tender fresh raw meat can also be delivered at home? But today it is possible because of Licious. But no one would have known about that brand had it not made a positioned its place in the minds of the consumers, and that was possible only because of the social media marketing.
You might be wondering how exactly social media marketing and b2c ecommerce solutions work. Well as I explained earlier Cookies are stored in your device when you operate the internet. It has also been noticed that whenever you’re talking about any specific product or a brand then that product or brand is recommended to you under the sponsored section of the social media sites you use. This is a possibility that social media these days have advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence incorporated into their application. So when you all for them to access your recordings, gallery, and contacts they scan through your data and understand your consumer behavior and buying pattern so when you are interested or are in need of a new product these applications share the data to the partner e-commerce business and the recommendation is used.