An epiphany is a flash of spontaneous insight that occurs suddenly, out of thin air, that gives you a moment of clarity about something that you can use to change your life. Brainwave entrainment can condition your mind to receive these revelations more often, by entraining your dominant brainwave to the gamma brainwave frequency-the home of the “aha” moment.

How do we receive GBL (Gamma-Butyrolacton) online kaufen these mystifying sparks, light-bulb moments, inspirations, visions, manifestation of great emotion, solutions to problems, new interpretations of situations, spiritual flashes and epiphanies that have a profound effect on our lives?

Neuroscience researchers had this same question and decided to map the inner workings of the brain during moments of insight.

They found that these sudden realizations or sparks are the result of a complex series of brain states. Every neuron is working, in their own time frame, communicating back and forth with each other, encompassing the whole brain.

When their subjects were recorded having a sudden insight, there was a very noticeable increase in high-frequency gamma brainwaves.

This flash of frequency emanated from the subjects right frontal cortex-the part of the brain responsible for shifting mental states.

What was so surprising though, was that the EEG recorded the gamma flash eight seconds before the subject had the sudden insight.

You could have an epiphany just thinking about what I just said-eight seconds before the insight. Where is the information coming from?

It is amazing that we are not consciously aware of our “epiphany” before our brain captures that transformational thought.

Perhaps the gamma brainwave frequency is a form of portal to a higher dimension or Universal Energy.

Gamma Brainwaves

  • Frequency range 39 – 100 Hz or cycles per second-electrical firings in the brain.
  • Have the fastest frequency with the smallest amplitude, making them the most energetic waves. Lightening is on the gamma frequency.
  • Are associated with heightened consciousness, involved in higher mental activity.
  • Consolidates information from all areas of the brain.
  • Combines different perceptions.
  • Is the psychic connection to higher dimensions.
  • Originates in the thalamus and moves from the back of the brain to the front and back again at 39 – 100 times per second creating a “full sweep” action. This state produces peak performance and a feeling that you can do anything.
  • Boosts sensory perceptions.
  • Enhances intuition.
  • Is a natural anti-depressant, improving happiness.
  • Generates empathy.
  • Increases compassion.
  • Raises I.Q.
  • Releases dopamine, a natural amphetamine controlling your energy, excitement and motivation.
  • Releases serotonin, a “happy mood” hormone.
  • Whales and dolphins operate in this frequency.

Gamma brainwave frequency synchronizes your whole brain-both left and right hemispheres communicating back and forth for optimization.

We all generate gamma brainwaves but how much varies. Gamma brainwave flashes are experienced during other frequencies.

Neuroscientists believe that we can train our brains to produce more of the gamma frequency and thus experience more epiphanies.

Brainwave entrainment is a clinically proven neuro-technological tool that guides your brainwaves into the gamma frequency. Following the physics principle of Frequency Following Response, the brain quickly entrains to the gamma pattern and produces all the effects of that brainwave.

Entrainment in GBL (Gamma-Butyrolacton) zum Verkauf online gamma promotes premonitions, perceptions, “gut” feelings, and sudden intuitive realizations, after the sessions are over. Exercising the brain in this frequency, opens the door for more and more epiphanies, as you go about your regular day.

Go ahead, have an “epiphany” on gamma.

If you had the mind power to change your life, for the better, using your brainwaves, why wouldn’t you?