Smartphones in the likes of Android have been ruling the roost for a fairly long time. Having taken over a mammoth share of the smartphone market, Android has evolved as the most preferred operating system for mobile devices and tablets. There are many reasons that can be accredited to the success of Android based smartphones and devices. First of all, the ‘Android Open Source Project’ has able to garner support from one of the pioneering names in the mobile manufacturing industry namely Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Intel etc. Secondly, Google’s own relentless endeavor to improve the performance and credibility of the platform with periodic up app erstellen hamburg gradation has contributed towards the success and popularity of Android smartphones and gizmos. To enhance the experience of an Android phone user several app development firms are on a lookout to hire finest Android developers.
The popularity of android devices
The popularity of android devices has led to the release of newer versions that has taken smartphone experience to the next level. The newest version is the Jelly Bean 4.1 which is being regarded as one of the most sought after technology in months to come. This new version of Android OS is a faster, smoother extension of the “Ice Cream Sandwich” endowed with the simplicity and beauty, both at the same time. Marked with easy flowing graphic and texture, this new-fanged operating system has a lot to offer on the Android apps and game development front. It is therefore no surprises that many app development enterprises are exploring the options to hire the best Android developers to create the most enthralling applications and games.
Committed to the smartest of all smartphones
Committed to the smartest of all smartphones, Jelly Bean is a plain yet an extraordinary platform that has extended a lot of opportunities to Android developers to develop applications meant for varied purposes. One of the finest features of this technological miracle is its ‘expandable, actionable notifications”. All Android phones are known for their smooth control over aspects such as notification and ability of a user to stay connected via emails, calls or messages. With Jelly Bean, the performance of the notification center has risen by several notches. The new notification system gives a thorough insight into stuff that is of utmost importance. One can send a message or revert to a call instantly. Furthermore, users can also access multiple emails and photos at a time that makes it a highly convenient business-cum-leisure phone.
Another magical feature of Jelly Bean is its ability to help a user personalize his/her home screen. A user can easily place the widget of his/her choice on the screen. The beauty of the platform it that once a new widget is placed on the screen, the existing one automatically resides itself thereby, making room for the new ones.
On Jelly Bean, the experience of clicking and sharing pictures on a phone is like never before. With a simple swipe, pictures can be removed, added or shared. The platform has also given way for a smarter intuitive key board which makes typing messages and searching, an easy activity. The usability and interface of Jelly Bean Os is just out of the world.
The new Jelly Bean OS has stirred a new wave in the application development industry. With such superior features and attributes, the Android app development firms have a lot to experiment and explore. However, to get started with an Android app and game development project for the Jelly Bean OS, it is imperative to hire an Android developer with requisite skills and experience.
How to Create a App for iPhone
Have you ever used an app that you thought was poorly made? If you think you can do better, you can find out how to create an app for iPhone without having any programming knowledge whatsoever. This will give you the ability to develop your own games or apps for the iPhone so that you never have to use someone else’s sorry excuse for an app ever again.
The power that you potentially hold with how to create an app for iPhone is as large as your imagination. You may wish to use the knowledge to grow your own business through app development or you may wish to create some unique apps and sell them in the app store so that you are one step closer to the financial freedom that you’ve always been looking for.
How to create an app for iPhone
It’s possible to find out how to create an app for iPhone without actually learning all the confusing programming codes that others use to develop amazing apps. You can create an entirely new world of apps for everyone to use so that you can suddenly be responsible for something going viral across the app store.
In today’s world, it’s easier than ever to market an app, which means that you can show more people your app and get them to buy it than ever before. Whether you want to make it a fun app or a serious app, you can figure out how to create them very easily. All you need to do is learn a few basic secrets that will help you reach your full potential.
Go through the app store and take a look at some of the apps people are selling. They are making several dollars for every download that they sell – that can add up to a lot of money. Now read the reviews of some of the top-selling apps – they aren’t even that good! People are making money from selling poorly created apps.
Create an app for iPhone
Just think about your earning potential when you learn how to create an app for iPhone that actually has positive reviews. The sky is the limit based upon your creativity as well as how you choose to market the app. It could be used on app erstellen hamburg iPhones and iPads all around the world. You may even be able to sell the app to a larger company who wants to use it for their own private use.
The first thing you need to do is find out how to create an app for iPhone. From there, you can start developing all of your ideas into real apps that could be sold and downloaded by anyone, anywhere. So now it’s just a matter of what kind of app you want to make.