parts for paint sprayer

parts for paint sprayer

parts for paint sprayer

For the first time in nearly a year, I am really excited to write again.

No, I am not painting or drawing or painting anything. After a long, long winter, we finally have spring here in the north and the thaw has begun.

I have just been incredibly busy for several weeks.

A few months ago, I painted the interior of my shed and have been working to finish the project ever since.

There is still paint in the shed and now I have to deal with getting some paint out of my back door and out of my truck.

I was able to remove a whole side of the shed and paint the whole thing (approximately 900 sqft) and I had a lot of fun painting the shed. I also did a little bit of landscaping in front of the shed, which is good too because it looks a little like spring outside.

I had to repaint parts of the shed and the wheels of my truck because I sprayed the paint onto my truck (again). I will get to this eventually, parts for paint sprayer for the time being, my truck is a snowy yellow with white wheels.

I bought a sprayer last week and it has been a nice experience so far.

I have not spray painted anything, at least paint to any degree, for a couple years. The paint I have used was for a roller shed on a boat when I was a teenager. It has all turned to rust over the years and now I have to paint this rusty shed.

The paint sprayer has a lot of little parts to it and the paint is painted at the base, rather than applying it to a base at the surface. That means that parts of the shed get sprayed for a few minutes on each side and you can only paint for a few minutes at a time. It is a bit frustrating to have so much paint in the air when I am trying to spray paint a small section of something.

I also have a different sprayer for paint, which is just a small paint sprayer attached to a paint spraying wand, so it doesn’t have all the parts on it. But I like the paint sprayer. It makes it really easy to paint and it sprayers paint really well.