Specialty Crystal Singing Bowls for Specific Intentions

Specialty Crystal Singing Bowls for Specific Intentions

When I am contacted regarding crystal singing bowls, I ask a few questions about intentions and about which bowls that person is attracted to. Occasionally I notice trends, similar intentions and interest in similar types of bowls. Lately, its been the Azezulite and the Laughing Buddha bowls.


Singing bowls are loosely characterized by the energy of the gemstones, minerals and metals included in the bowl. There is no such thing as low energy bowl so if we consider bowls like ocean gold and smokey quartz as high energy bowls, the Azezulite is a higher energy bowl (i.e. pretty powerful).

Azezulite is associated with the angelic realms and is used to assist in raising your vibration. Some will tell you that it is connected with the crown chakra but it is more than that. In order to connect to higher realms, the chakras would have to be clear and connected meaning that energy flows freely between them. The Azezulite helps to create a physical and energetic environment where this can happen. Specifically, Azezulite connects the throat, third eye, pituitary and zeal point and then, focus’ that energy to the crown and higher.

The Azezulite is a great bowl by itself however if you are considering putting together a set, you might want to select a bowl connected with the elements such as watery bowls like Ocean Indium or Aqua Gold or earth element qualities like the Smokey Quartz, Sedona Redrock or Platinum. Also, bowls connected to the heart or solar plexus such as Rose Quartz, Ruby and Citrine.

Laughing Buddha

There are over 40 alchemy bowls to choose from. One of my Klangschalen Therapie in Frankfurt favorite’s is the Laughing Buddha. Crystal Tones does not reveal exactly what goes into each bowl but I do know that the Laughing Buddha contains iron, an earth element.

The Laughing Buddha is also known as the Happy Buddha. In Japan he is called Hotei and in China, he is called Pu-Tai. In any language, the Laughing Buddha represents health, happiness, prosperity in all aspects of life (i.e. not just wealth) and, long life.

My first set of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls included a 7″ Laughing Buddha E/solar plexus. I still have it. With this bowl I am combining the solar plexus (personal power) with joy, happiness and success. In other words, instilling being happiness and joy and the personal power to confidently live this way.

The Laughing Buddha is believed to have lived from 907-923 AD. He was a Chinese monk who tended to children and those in need. Use this singing bowl when working with children an those who have hit some difficult times in their life.

Laughing Buddha is a symbol of wealth

For those practicing Feng Shui, the Laughing Buddha is a symbol of wealth. Using this singing bowl when moving into a new home, office or when you want to clear certain energies and fill the void with prosperity and health.

The Laughing Buddha singing bowl is a cream color on the outside, white on the inside. Looks like the creamcicles I used to get from the Good Humor ice cream man years ago.

There is a belief that rubbing the belly of the Buddha brings wealth, good luck and prosperity. Rub Laughing Buddha crystal singing bowl instead.