Tag: Health

Relief from Lower Back Pain: Ayurveda Treatment

Relief from Lower Back Pain: Ayurveda Treatment

Ayurvedic back pain therapy is a comprehensive treatment for needs brought on by tridoshas. The area below the lumbar spinal region (also known as the lower back) is multifaceted and is connected by nerves. The entire body’s components are connected to provide flexibility and elasticity. 

These Foods Can Make You Live Longer

These Foods Can Make You Live Longer

It is possible to have a personal relationship with your significant other. Nutritionists have shown that the way people eat can affect the quality of their relationships. Making the right changes can help to improve them. Everyone has a list of things they can change 

12 Tips for Choosing the Right Dentist in Bonita

12 Tips for Choosing the Right Dentist in Bonita

A medical practitioner’s expertise, qualification, and standing go a long way in the success of a treatment plan. It stands true in dental health care too. However, finding the right dentist is not as simple as it sounds. It takes some time and effort to 

How Does Depression Impact Oral Health?

How Does Depression Impact Oral Health?

Depression is known to be comorbid with multiple psychiatric diseases. However, it is also responsible for several somatic disorders, including deterioration of oral health. Various studies have established the link between depression and oral health problems. So, how and why does depression lead to oral 

Foods That Help Increase Muscle for Gymers

Foods That Help Increase Muscle for Gymers

To bulk up and improve their physique and strength is the most common reason people want to build muscles. Building muscles is also a famous name for bodybuilding. It is also good for weight management, as muscles are an active tissue, which means it uses 

Mental Health: Statistics and role of NHS in Tackling the Issue in the UK

Mental Health: Statistics and role of NHS in Tackling the Issue in the UK

Mr Gilmore, a 42-year-old owner of a successful hotel chain, feels constantly pressured. He has a fortune in his multiple accounts, a loving wife, a beautiful boy, and good friends. Yet he is not happy, and he could not point out why. Lisa, a 24-year-old 

10 Tips for Taking Care of Your Teeth Every Day at Home

10 Tips for Taking Care of Your Teeth Every Day at Home

Everybody needs to partake in the advantages of supreme oral cleanliness: a magnificent white grin, crisp smelling breath, and solid pink gums. Ensuring your mouth stays sound is a significant justification for visiting the dental specialist – and there’s nothing similar to that spotless inclination 

What Are IVF Success Rates By Age And Number Of Embryos?

What Are IVF Success Rates By Age And Number Of Embryos?

In today’s world, IVF is a household term. In vitro fertilisation or IVF is a type of ART (assisted reproductive technology and hope for couples with fertility problems. It helps you have a baby, whether you are a married couple, a single parent, or a 

What Should You Know About Vitamin B12 Deficiency

What Should You Know About Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 is a crucial nutrient for your body. Your body needs it to carry out several different processes such as energy production, oxygen travel, central nervous system function, and DNA synthesis. There is no production of this nutrient in your body. You get it 

Dental Braces Cost Procedure Recovery and Results

Dental Braces Cost Procedure Recovery and Results

You don’t need to find any specific reason for making your teeth straight, aligned and in an accurate shape. Misaligned teeth cause many problems of chewing, crowding, crooked, biting and facial appearance. So, if you are the one who needs braces then chooses the best