Tag: Marketing

How to Grow Your List of Prospects with Lookalike Prospects

How to Grow Your List of Prospects with Lookalike Prospects

In this blog, we’re going to talk about how to grow your list of prospects with “lookalike prospects.” And the name “lookalike prospects” is inspired by lookalike audiences which is commonly used in online advertising. Now, if you’re unfamiliar with lookalike audiences, ad platforms like 

What Does a Digital Marketer Do?

What Does a Digital Marketer Do?

What is digital marketing? The term “digital marketing,” also referred to as online marketing, is every marketing effort that occurs online. Companies rely on digital channels, such as social media, search engines, email, and various other websites, to interact with prospective and current customers. The 

Important Book Marketing Strategies To Consider Before Publishing Your Book

Important Book Marketing Strategies To Consider Before Publishing Your Book

It’s an exciting moment to be an author. If you are still in the writing or editing stages, it’s a good idea to incorporate certain features into your book that you can use to help promote it, either through book marketing services or on your 

The Difference Between Logo Design and Branding

The Difference Between Logo Design and Branding

Do you know the difference between logo design and branding? Many people don’t, and they end up confused about what they need for their business. Here, we will discuss the differences between logo design and branding and how each one can help your business grow! 

eCommerce Social Media Marketing – Fast and Efficient

eCommerce Social Media Marketing – Fast and Efficient

With the introduction of Covid-19 last year, we have experienced a fast growth of the tech industry and application. E-commerce has also experienced a significant increase in the userbase and their websites have experienced a significant increase in the traffic.  It is no surprise to 

Car Dealers will notice these three immediate benefits from Dabadu’s Marketing Automation tools!

Car Dealers will notice these three immediate benefits from Dabadu’s Marketing Automation tools!

Lead generation is an essential step for any dealership’s business. Dealerships spend thousands of dollars on acquiring leads, but they turn cold because Sales Agents cannot engage leads timely and effectively. In such scenarios, Marketing Automation turns out to be rewarding. Marketing automation is one 

Use Social Media Marketing Company Noida to Get Hold of Utmost Exposure

Use Social Media Marketing Company Noida to Get Hold of Utmost Exposure

There are many reasons why you should use a social media marketing company Noida. For one thing, it gives your business an international reach. You can build a culture ecosystem for your business by using social media. Additionally, it can help build customer loyalty and 

How Video Marketing Will Help Elevate Your Business

How Video Marketing Will Help Elevate Your Business

We all well aware advertisement is only the method for marketers to reach their customers but with the technological change, people have now shifted to video marketing. With the increasing popularity of social media like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc. people have started using it as 

How to Benefit From Influencer Marketing: 2022 Review

How to Benefit From Influencer Marketing: 2022 Review

All of us know the raising role of Social Media and other platforms in our everyday lives. People enter YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. at least once on a daily basis. That is why some business owners (whether it is small or big) seriously think 

Role of Packaging in the World of Retail: How it Impacts Your Product

Role of Packaging in the World of Retail: How it Impacts Your Product

In a perfect world, consumers will only judge your product based on the quality of its contents. But in reality, they often make snap judgments and form lasting impressions from how it looks first – before even tasting or touching what you have created. As