The Best Robot Vacuums for Hardwood Floors of 2022

The Best Robot Vacuums for Hardwood Floors of 2022

Hardwood floors need proper maintenance to avoid scratches and gouges. First, clean plenty of times a week and weekly to maintain healthy floors. Hardwood floors are swept with the use of a broom and soft bristles. A vacuum equipped with a brush head will not clean appropriately because it has a high risk of scratching the flooring. In this blog, we will discuss on Xiaomi Robot Vacuum X10 Plus Review and other types of vacuum reviews.

There are proper robotic vacuums for hardwood floors that will effectively clean your floors without damaging them. You need a robotic vacuum that will not make scratches on your hardwood floor’s surface.

The only device that can clean hardwood flooring without causing any damage is the best robot vacuum with the latest technology and features like:

Most robotic vacuums have a wide cleaning path to cover more area. Some models have an ultrasonic brush which helps them remove pet hairs and other debris stuck deep within the hardwood flooring surface.

How does a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner work on hardwood floors?

Robotic vacuums have advanced features which make them effective in cleaning hardwood floors. Features like

A robotic vacuum is capable of climbing over obstacles up to 50 mm. The random movement of a robotic vacuum also helps prevent it from getting stuck and keeps cleaning the entire hardwood floor area.

One crucial aspect you should be aware of when using a robot vacuum on hardwood flooring is the height difference between the robot’s wheels and your flooring. There should be a proper distance between the two to avoid damage.

The best robot vacuums for hardwood floors of 2022

Here we will explore the top 3 vacuums and give you key factors to consider when deciding which model suits you.

1. Roborock S7 MaxV:

The Roborock S7 MaxV is one of the best robotic vacuums one can get for hardwood floors. It has a double-charged battery life as compared to other models. It also has a higher suction power than other entry-level intelligent robotic vacuum cleaners.

Roborock S7 MaxV is a powerful vacuum that can cover more area in one go. It can map the entire hardwood flooring area and move in all directions without getting stuck, providing a better cleaning experience.

Its motorized wheels effectively reduce noise, meaning they are pretty much silent while working on your hardwood floors.

It maps out its coverage area using a LIDAR sensor, then uses two cameras to recognize and respond to household objects.

2. Xiaomi robot vacuum x10 plus:

Xiaomi robot vacuum x10 plus is a budget-friendly robotic vacuum cleaner with mighty suction power. It will clean pet hair and other small debris on your hardwood flooring.

The Xiaomi robot vacuum x10 plus comes with a camera with a mapping feature, allowing it to build a map of the area in your house that it needs to clean.

According to the Xiaomi robot vacuum x10 plus review, it can efficiently navigate obstacles and clean pet hair and other debris from your hardwood flooring. It also can cover an area with reasonable accuracy and map the entire hardwood flooring area.

The wheels on this vacuum are rubberized and have high efficiency in noise reduction.


This vacuum is a feature-rich vacuum that has the ability to clean hardwood floors. It can efficiently clean dirt, dust, and other debris from different areas in your house.

It uses a high-quality suction power that can collect stubborn debris from the surface of your hardwood flooring. It also has a motorized brush roll that cleans deep within the surface and removes other pet hair and contaminants.

Its mobile app lets you direct it to a specific location, set up virtual boundaries it won’t breach, and schedule cleaning sessions for particular rooms.


Robotic vacuums efficiently clean hardwood floors and provide a good result. Before purchasing, you should be aware of the features available for your robotic vacuum cleaner. This will help you choose the best robotic vacuum for your hardwood floors.

You should consider essential aspects such as Xiaomi robot vacuum x10 plus review which has good suction power, noise reduction, and dust bin capacity. Keep these things in mind, and you will find the best robotic vacuum cleaner for your hardwood flooring.