To stop! Before you open your front door wide

To stop! Before you open your front door wide

What do you do when you hear your front doorbell ring? You probably jump up, drop what you’re doing and rush to the door to open it, right?

Only when your Türsprechanlage mit Kamera hands are wet or you are busy moving something heavy are you allowed to yell at the door: “Wait a minute. I’m coming! “.

If You Remember

Resisting the impulse to throw the door wide open without a second thought, you can peek through the peephole just before it opens.

Most of the time there is nothing wrong with that, especially if you are young and strong and confident.

But maybe you should be concerned

Also to other family members who may be less resilient than you and who may be confused by an unexpected surprise, be it threatening or unusual.

You can easily imagine such a situation from real facts that you heard and that happened in your neighborhood, even if for someone it was just an unpleasant experience, and not a tragic event.

Installing a very simple device on the front door, you immediately get some important benefits. We are thinking of a video intercom, a device that allows you to see the image of the person waiting outside and talk to them even before you approach the door.

If it’s helpful, a feature can be included that allows you to open the door remotely by simply pressing a button.

No more unplanned interruptions, no more wasted time, no more distractions and a lot more security too. For older people, it can certainly be a welcome solution, relieving them of difficult or painful movements.

For everyone, it’s a relief from a chore and a real gain in extra freedom, for different reasons.

These devices usually have a small screen,

Black and white or color, and some of them can even be hooked up to an old, unused TV to see a bigger picture. If the place is unusually dark, the included infrared illuminators, if available, can help you see.

A special gadget is also offered that offers more features of a full- fledged security system, including a passive infrared (PIR) motion sensor to launch an embedded video recorder when motion is detected, either coming at your door or just passing by It. Whether these features give you additional benefits is an open question that you might want to consider.

Long gone are the days when doors were left unlocked without fear.

Unfortunately, nowadays you should think before you open the front door if you don’t know who you’ll meet in front of the threshold. A simple video intercom at your front door can give you that extra confidence and peace of mind.

Collecting for charity – door to door

The purpose of this article is to provide helpful tips and pointers that you need to know when raising funds door-to-door for charity. These are useful if you are organizing collectors or are the one doing the collecting.

Let’s face it, the purpose of raising for charity is to get as much money as possible. You believe in the charity and want others to support it financially so that you can fulfill all of the organization ‘s good works plans . So when people are giving up their time for nothing, you want them to raise as much money as possible in the time they have.

When collecting houses on a street, most of the time walking time is wasted time, as is time standing at a door for too long. Why do that Türsprechanlage mit Kamera when you can move on in a reasonable amount of time, cover more roads and meet more people who are willing to give?

So here are some more ideas to get the most out of your collection.


  • Apply to the local authority for a collection permit
  • Carry identification and pick-up permit
  • Smile and be excited
  • State clearly who you are collecting for; Practice a short introduction
  • Make sure you can explain clearly and simply what donations will be used for (if asked) and how much the charity will spend on administration
  • Leave a thank you, perhaps a small bookmark or leaflet explaining where the funds are going and where interested parties can get more information
  • Take a small supply of brochures about the charity for those who want to know more
  • Remember you are the face of the charity so always be polite
  • Say thank you, even to those who refuse to give
  • close gates behind you
  • Ideally, plan your route so that you end up back where you started
  • Be careful not to overlap if there is more than one group going
  • Make sure you can see other collectors in your party at all times
  • Leave a “We Missed You” flyer when collecting with envelopes; this could encourage people to post their donation or call back to collect from people who aren’t around
  • Get your friends and family involved; One more street collected makes the difference for the charity
  • Encourage those you meet who are genuinely interested in the charity to offer to raise their own street (or more) next year
  • At the end of the collection, if a person takes all the boxes or envelopes, escort them to their car or home to make sure they get there safely.
  • Consider writing to the local newspaper to explain the charity and its work before promoting the collection
  • Keep records so you know which areas are the most generous to plan your collection for next year.
    Be sure to send the required information to the local authority after collection to meet their requirements