Types of Pool Chemicals You Can Use to Maintain Your Swimming Pool

Keeping your swimming pool clean and clear can be a tough job. Pool water needs to be balanced. cleanliness and hygiene are very important for swimming pools, as dirty water can lead to many health and skin problems. crystal clear swimming pools are often the center of summer fun.
The only way to keep your pool water clean and clear is by using the pool chemicals. You can always tell if your pool water is balanced by the look and smell of the pool water.
To ensure swimming pool chemical balance, the ph.. level should be between 7.2 to 7.8 and the total alkalinity should range from 80 to 120 ppm.
When it comes to keeping your pool clean, chemicals are of great use. Depending upon the needs of the pool, there are different chemicals that you will need to use in your swimming pool.
Chemicals can be harmful if used without proper knowledge. The chemicals should be stored away from heat and electrical sources. It’s important to check the chemicals are properly sealed.
So different types of pool chemicals are:
- Chlorine:
chlorine is one of the most popular pool chemicals used. It is easily available and affordable in the market. Water in the swimming pool for a long time contains germs and bacterias. So chlorine kills the bacteria and other algae by chemical action. Algae can be grown in swimming pools if the right amount of chlorine is not maintained. Chlorine should be added regularly to keep the level between 1 and 3 ppm. So basically chlorine acts as a sanitizer for the pool water.
- Sanitizers:
A sanitizer is a chemical that is used to kill the germs like bacteria, fungi, algae. so using the sanitizers in the pool help to control the bacteria and algae growth.
- Bromine:
Bromine is used as an alternative to chlorine. Bromine is mostly used for hot water pools as bromine works better in warmer temperatures. Bromine is also very much effective when it comes to killing bacteria. Bromine is required much in quantity to clean the same amount of water as chlorine. Bromine is expensive when compared to chlorine.
- Sodium hypochlorite:
In the swimming pool industry, one of the most popular forms of sanitizing water is liquid sodium hypochlorite. It is also known as liquid chlorine. It breaks down into many different chemicals, once added to water. It is widely used in commercial and residential pools. It is easily available and is comparatively cheaper also helps to remove bacteria and algae.
- increaser and decrease:
Managing the ph.. The balance of your pool is very much important. So various chemicals are used to increase and decrease the ph.. level to maintain pools. To increase the ph. level soda ash can be mixed into the water and to decrease sodium bisulfate or muriatic acid can quickly drop it down.
- Algaecides:
Algaecides is not a quick solution to get rid of algae entirely in your pool. Algaecides’ main job is to stop the growth process of algae. So algaecides provide an effective and fast-acting way to kill algae in your swimming pool.
- Oxidizers:
Oxidizers help the pool to look crystal clear. But one of the most important uses of oxidizers is that they protect pools from chloramines. For example, sometimes people urinate in the pool that leads to redness in the eyes. So oxidizers are used.
- Metal remover:
The most common types of metal that appear in pool water are copper, iron, and manganese the presence of these metals can stain the surface of your pool. So various metal remover chemicals are used by the pool owners to maintain their swimming pool. Also, it helps to make your water clear and metal-free.
- Sodium bromide:
Bromine salts are not algaecides but when used with granular chlorine it helps to kill algae in your swimming pool. They are also helpful in destroying mustard and black algae.
- Ionizers:
Pool ionizers are disinfecting systems that fight off bacteria and algae using copper and silver ions. It is a type of sanitizer used to eliminate fungi and other bacteria. Ionizers work slowly and require other sanitizers such as chlorine to make the pool safe for swimmers.
So basically all these chemicals mentioned above help to keep the swimming pool clean by removing all kinds of bacteria, fungus, algae, etc. when it comes to keeping your pool clean, the chemicals you use play a vital role. Pool owner needs to have knowledge regarding the chemicals and also the chemical should be handled with care and stored properly. Poor pool maintenance can only pose health dangers as a result of improper water balance. Pool chemicals like chlorine and bromine keep you safe from germs and bacteria.