Use social media effectively in Teaching and Learning

Use social media effectively in Teaching and Learning

Social media platforms have gained immense popularity over the past few years, and many educators and teachers are leveraging the true potential of social media in the teaching industry. This article will discuss how social media can be used in teaching and learning.

We cannot ignore the role of social media in teaching and learning, as students are using social media to get knowledge about various topics and engage with others on various social media channels.

Social media provides students with the means to connect and engage with others by creating learning groups and building educational communities on various platforms.

There is one such platform known as Pickzon that you can use to create your own communities by creating study groups with your friends and teachers.

Social media platforms are a better way to connect, interact, and collaborate to generate high-value content in the context of imparting knowledge and education to young minds. Create content that can inspire them to become literate and educated in their life.

Social media’s advantages for learning and teaching:

Social media platforms like Facebook, and PickZon have become an integral part of every student’s life. Such platforms have given an advantage to the students to connect with their friends and teachers and even find other scholars and authors whom they can connect with.

On social media platforms, students can establish connections with professionals and take can career advice from them. Social media platforms are a great way to connect with professionals and experts.

Social media also helps teachers and educational institutions to build strong relationships with their friends, colleagues, and teachers.

Let’s discuss some of the benefits of using social media in teaching and learning.

Easy Communication:

With the help of social media platforms, it has become very easy for students and teachers to connect with each other for easier communication. When communication becomes easier, it fosters good relationships and better engagement with others.

With the use of social media platforms, it becomes very easy for everyone to foster easy communication among peer groups, and for the teachers and students to communicate better. It also provides the convenience of being online anytime during the day.

The PickZon application helps you communicate very easily with your friends and teachers anytime you want to connect with them.

Fosters collaborative Learning:

Social media is a great place to exchange information with others, so it can be utilized by students and educational institutions to exchange information between students and teachers.

This also makes it easier for the students to work on assignments and projects collaboratively and bring a great impact on their learning process. Similarly, it has opened the doors for students to connect with their teachers and ask anything related to the topic that they have just studied in school.

You can use Pickzon App to create Groups and pages and start collaborating with your friends and colleagues on various projects and assignments.

Social media marketing for educators:

As discussed above, social media also provides the means for educational institutions to connect with potential students and get more enrollments through social media marketing.

Academic institutions use social media to connect with their students and convey important campus news to them and build strong relationships with them. Educational institutes can use social media platforms to build relationships with potential teachers and students and build a good relationship with them.

Create Virtual Libraries:

Social media platforms provide the means to upload files and e-books online and students can access these resources very easily. Social media platforms are the best place to create e-libraries and impregnate good reading habits among students and youngsters.

Creating virtual libraries is the need of an hour because students spend most of their quality time just scrolling through social media, so we can encourage them to make use of social media for some good.
When good reading habits are develop, it helps a student to grow his mind and get exposure to multiple ideas of different people and learn from their experiences also.


In final words, we would like to affirm that social media can be use in teaching and learning in many ways and can also help students to explore a different version of themselves by interacting with the global community of professionals on different social media platforms.

You can also use the best social media app PickZon App to get connect and get inspire by the thoughts of other people.