Want To Know Early Signs of Pregnancy | Read & Know

The most prevalent early indication of pregnancy is a missed period, but it’s not the only one. If you think you might be pregnant, paying attention to your body and knowing what to look for is important.
The two-week period between trying to conceive and trying to take a pregnancy test can be stressful, and it’s perfectly normal to scan your body for signs that you might be pregnant. On the other hand, you might have noticed some strange symptoms and be worried that you might be pregnant too early. In either case, having as much information as possible should help you feel better. So, whether you’re worried about the two-week wait or seriously concerned about any early signs of pregnancy, here’s everything you need to know.
Most Common Early Pregnancy Symptoms
Although everyone is unique, there are a few signs that many women experience during pregnancy. Aside from a missed period, nausea, breast tenderness, and spotting are all early signs of pregnancy.
Missed Period
If you’re ready for a baby, you’ve been keeping track of your period and paying close attention every time you use the restroom to see if it’s arrived this month. A missed period is one of the first signs of pregnancy and can indicate that a child is on the way. To find out if you’re pregnant, use a home pregnancy test. If it’s positive, make an appointment with your OB/GYN for your first stage of pregnancy around 8 weeks gestation.
Breast Pain
Are your breasts painful and swollen? Sore breasts are another sign that you may have conceived this cycle, but some women experience pain and swelling as part of their normal menstrual cycle, making it difficult to distinguish. If you have conceived, the soreness usually worsens over time, and you may notice changes in the appearance of your breasts.
Did you notice any spotting 1-2 weeks after ovulation? You may be experiencing implantation bleeding. Spotting occurs six to twelve days after conception when a fertilized egg digs deep into the uterine lining, causing mild irritation. You might think it’s the start of your period, but it could mean you’re pregnant! Implantation bleeding is minimal and should not require a pad.
Are you exhausted just by going about your daily activities? Unfortunately, fatigue may accompany you throughout your pregnancy and beyond. Your body is producing more blood to transport nutrients to your developing baby. During the second trimester, you should feel more energized.
If you have any of these early signs of pregnancy and a positive test, make an appointment with your OB/GYN for your first prenatal visit around 8 weeks gestation.