What Are The Top 5 Benefits Of Using A Professional Live Streaming Service?

What Are The Top 5 Benefits Of Using A Professional Live Streaming Service?

Live streaming is registering its presence everywhere. From hosting leading sporting tournaments like the FIFA World Cup, ICC Events, and many more to broadcasting award shows and ceremonies, live streaming is extensively used.

With so much to stream for the audience, there are live streaming platforms that are designed to maximize audience interaction. Furthermore, the majority of the audience prefers to watch their favorite events online from the comfort of their own home. It saves time traveling to the venue, lowers accommodation costs, and eliminates hidden costs. In this blog, we’ll list some of the popular benefits of professional live streaming services.

Live Streaming Service: Enhancing Real-Time Interaction

In very simple words, it is the transmission of data over the internet. For the smoother transmission of this data, many parameters are involved during the whole streaming process. Some of these are known as encoders and decoders. The audience interacts with each other in real-time, without any editing whatsoever. In addition to this, the video is non recordable and downloadable at the receiver’s end.

Some of the most common examples of live streaming include video game streaming, live TV broadcasts, social media streaming, and much more. There are no chances of editing or polishing the content in the case of live streaming it. Your audience feels more connected with you during the streaming because it is happening in real-time.

Technically speaking, live streaming refers to sending a video to multiple users at a time, and all this happens with the help of some professional live streaming service providers.

Streaming Components

Before we get to the benefits of using a live streaming service, let’s take a quick look at some of the crucial components that make this service so sophisticated.

  • It starts with the capturing of the raw video with the help of a video camera. This is also known as digital data which will be further processed.
  • Similarly, the next component of the live streaming platform is encoding. In simple words, encoding is the process of creating data in a new format.
  • Then came the role of CDN servers. In addition to this, users do not have to send the request to the original server, in fact, they can send it to any nearby CDN server for faster response and performance.
  • Lastly, decoding is important for smoother delivery of the content at the user end. However, there are many other parameters that can be too lengthy for you and we have to just get a glimpse of these components.

Popular Benefits Of Using A Professional Live Streaming Service

Here are some of the prominent benefits of using a live streaming service for hosting your event. In addition to this, it will also help you in selecting acting the type of online event platform you found the best for attracting the maximum audience-

High-Quality Video Delivery

High-quality video is very important for boosting the session’s productivity and generating new pathways for sales and revenue. To get the best output for the quality of the content you have prepared, you need to deliver it to your audience in the best way possible.

However, there exist different types of free social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., which offer permissible video quality and have an active user base in the millions around the world. In addition to this, there are many professional online event platforms that are using low latency streaming protocols (RTMP) to give the best visual experience to the audience even at lower bandwidth connections.

Powerful Data Analytics & Management

This is very important for the sponsors to track their event performance and note key points. Many live streaming platforms consist of powerful analytics tools for accuracy while showing the data and that too in real-time. In fact, these figures are also very important for increasing the ROI for any specific event.

The main benefit of using these analytics tools is that you can get real-time feedback from your audience. This helps sponsors correct their mistakes and prevent them at upcoming events. The majority of the top live streaming programs come with an analytics dashboard that lets you keep tabs on your performance, audience reach for the event, and many other things. It is very important for making a good content strategy and optimizing your content as per the audience’s requirements.

Increasing Brand Awareness

With the help of live streaming services, most businesses are dealing with their clients very effectively. In fact, this is also building their brand’s credibility in the global market. With the implementation of exciting features such as notes, handouts, live polling, post-event surveys, and much more, companies are finding it a much easier way to deliver what they actually want. It is an exciting approach to building a brand community. Customers who are passionate about a brand will share its live feeds if they are recorded and the interactions and information are valuable to the general public.

Budget-Friendly Option

Live streaming means watching the content at home, or in any other comfort zone of yours. Meanwhile, these professional services have reduced the cost of accommodation, travel costs, and other hidden expenses for the audience. Furthermore, live streaming platforms have significantly reduced the burden of hosting an event for sponsors.

Monetizing Your Content

The majority of live streaming service providers have many ways for you to make money from your live video streaming. There are numerous ways you can charge viewers for the live streaming video. One way is to pay to view the video, just as you would with tickets to a performance or concert. However, SVOD and TVOD monetization require a paywall for all other options.

Let’s Conclude

Using an online event platform works well for the audience and sponsors in a variety of different ways. There is not a single advantage but a list of countless features and advantages if you plan to host your event online.

Live streaming platforms are becoming extremely popular these days. However, it is the event requirements, the features your target audience wants to see included in the event, etc. That determines the professional service for your event.