What Exercises Can You Do While Traveling?

Traveling is one of the best ways to expand your perspectives, learn more about people and cultures, and give yourself some much-needed mental nourishment.
But while you are traveling, eating indulgent food, and spending your day outside of a regular routine, it becomes hard to keep track of your physical fitness. And a significant break in your exercise routine can not only adversely affect your body adversely but also take a toll on your mindset, making it harder to back to your daily routine.
Of course, there are some fun activities you can do during the trips that can help you keep your body active. You can play in the escape room Bangalore or bike around the streets of Prague. All of that counts as exercise; as long as you are getting your body it’s required movement.
But if you are on longer trips where these leisure activities might not cut your daily quota of exercise, you can try out some of the options listed below:
1. The 20-minute hotel room workout routine
Start with doing around 20 repetitions of bodyweight squats. Take a short break of 5 seconds, if you need after this, and then move on to doing 15 repetitions of push-ups on inclined support. For this, you need to keep your feet firm on the floor and your hands on suitable support like the edge of your bed or desk.
After this too, you can take a 5-second break if you want before moving on to the next exercise. For this one, you can use your luggage too! Using your luggage as the weight, work on some one-arm luggage rows. You can repeat this exercise, lifting the weight 10 times with each of your hands. Lastly, you can end your workout session with 10 reverse crunches to burn some extra fat!
2. Plank shoulder taps
For this exercise, you need to start by keeping your body in a high plank position by placing your hands right under your shoulders, such that they are close together. Keep your feet and knees wide apart from each other to offer you a more stable base to hold your body.
Engage your abs and glutes as you do this exercise so that your body remains in a straight line. After this, lift one of your hands from the ground and move it to touch your opposite shoulder. Make sure that your hips remain square and do not rotate them while you touch your shoulder. Then, lift off your other hand and touch your other shoulder to complete one round. You can do 15 – 20 plank shoulder taps at one go!
3. Beginner bodyweight workout
This workout routine is very simple and does not require any equipment. Firstly, start with 20 repetitions of bodyweight squats to make your body ready for the rest of the workout. After this, go ahead and do approximately 10 – 15 push-ups. You may then take a short break of 15 seconds if you feel like it.
After that, drop down to work on 10 repetitions of walking lunges with each of your legs. For the next workout, you can use your luggage or laptop bag as weight and do 10 repetitions of dumbbell rows with either of your hands. Now, it is time for a short 15-second plank session! Lastly, end your workout with 30 jumping jacks.
4. Tricep dips
For this workout session, you will need a stable chair or bench. Start by sitting right on the edge of your chair or bench and grip the edge right next to your hips. Then you need to extend your legs and position your feet such that they lie hip-width apart from each other while your heels touch the ground.
After you have positioned your body thus, press onto your palms and lift your body. Then slowly slide forward such that you are far enough behind to clear the edge of the chair (or bench). You then have to lower yourself slowly until your elbows are bent between a 45- or 90-degrees angle. Lastly, push yourself back up to your original starting position in a step-by-step manner.
5. Playground workout
While traveling, you might often come across playgrounds, and when that happens, this workout is what you can do! Start with something light like some alternating step-ups, repeating 10 times on each of your legs. You can then go ahead and do 10 repetitions of elevated push-ups.
You might then take a short break if you want. After that, move on to do 10 repetitions of swing rows. Then you can try out 8 repetitions of assisted lungs, doing 8 times in each of your legs. Lastly, you can end your workout session with 10 repetitions of bent leg reverse crunches.
6. Advanced bodyweight exercises circuit
This particular workout session is best for beginners to avoid. However, for health freaks, this can be a great workout session while you are traveling! Firstly, start your workout session with some one-legged squats, doing 10 times on each of your sides. It might be best for you to avoid this particular exercise if you think you are not in good shape. After this, you can then move on to some bodyweight squats and drop down to do them 20 times.
Then, you can work on making 20 walking lunges, doing 10 times on each of your legs. You can take a small break here if you want before moving on to the next exercise. After your short break, you can work on 20 repetitions of jump step-ups, doing 10 times on each of your legs. Then do pull-ups about 10 times. After that, you can work on 10 repetitions of dips by placing your body between two stable chairs. Then work on 10 repetitions of chin-ups or inverted bodyweight rows if your hotel room doesn’t have proper space! End your workout session with 10 repetitions of push-ups and a 30-second-long plank.
People who work hard on maintaining their health and fitness before traveling must continue the same even as they travel. Otherwise, all the efforts put into losing weight or gaining some muscles go down the drain. So, ensure that you try out these fruitful exercises the next time you travel and continue to maintain your health judiciously while on the go!