Why Should I Go to a Christian Counselor?

Licensure: Christian counselors are not licensed by the state, they report to the church. Asking God for help and praying often are allowed and encouraged by the church. If you are seeking help for a problem a Christian counselor can offer you a religious solution that is sensitive to your beliefs. Each Christian counselor is managed by their church and as these churches are generally smaller they are able to keep a closer eye on their counselors than the state could ever dream of.
As suggested above being a counselor licensed
As suggested above being a counselor licensed by your state is a really stifling thing. Secular counselors regardless of their religious beliefs are not allowed to pray, God cannot be any part of counseling as the state does not want any particular religion promoted under their name, remember separation of church and state. Secular counselors are restricted from: praying, reading their bible, mentioning religion or God, suggesting a church for their client to attend to, or using religious morals to guide therapy.
– Let’s recap really quick: Secular counselors are forced by the state to abandon God in all they do. Christian counselors are required to make God an integral part of therapy and encourage the growth and fostering of a relationship with God.
Education: Secular attend secular colleges. You might be wondering what the big deal is right? The majority of individuals attend secular colleges. In the case of counseling this can be very detrimental, I would know, I have graduated from a secular college. My Bachelor’s degree was in psychology (not counseling, but close, and I am currently working on a Masters in counseling). While working on your degree there is an emphasis on the nonexistence of god, creationism is taught to be crazy, while evolution is the best thing since sliced bread.
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Secular schools teach a type of counseling
Secular schools teach a type of counseling devoid of morals. Without going into too much detail, lets suffice it to say that the father of psychology Sigmund Freud was an addicted cocaine addict whom a majority of modern secular psychology is based on. He is practically worshiped as a psychology God and his theories leave very little room for a Christian God. I can’t imagine a counselor being taught under the secular principles being able to practice Christian counseling (unless of course they were Christian prior to going into the program, such as myself, and were able to maintain their Christian views and beliefs) If you have the time to do your research it will be possible to find a counselor who is practicing Christian counseling who attended a normal secular school. For most of us it will be better to simply seek Christian help in the first place.
– Lets recap: Christian counselors attend Christian schools that give them a moralized education. Secular counselors go to schools that give them a Demoralized education.
Finding a Good Christian counselor: You need to make sure that your Christian counselor is licensed by a church that will hold their counselors accountable for their actions. The National Christian Counselors Association and the International Board of Christian Counselors (an outgrowth of the AACC) are two of the best known associations that provide reliable credentials for Christian Counselors.
Types of Secular vs. Types of Christian – Secular Counselors: Licensed Professional Counselor, Licenses Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Mental Health Counselor – Christian Counselors: Licensed Pastoral Counselors, Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselors, Certified Christian Counselors
And finally your almost there: Make sure that the counselor you find, rather secular or Christian will work for you. It is OK to go to a counselor for an entrance interview and decide that the counselor is not going to mesh with you. There is such a wide variety in the types of counselors, hard, soft, emotional, strick, warm, cold, you need to find one that you can establish a good relationship with. It would be unethical for a counselor to try to get you to stay with them if it is not a good fit. Never let a counselor persuade you to work with them, this is a red flag!
Also, make sure that you and therapist are in agreement on the time frame you wish to receive help in. For some individuals this will be restricted by the amount of time the insurance company is willing to pay for. Make sure that the therapist you chose is willing to work within these restrictions. Further, double check with you insurance company that they will cover a Christian counselor as many companies have special restrictions on this type of counseling.
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