You’ll Never Believe This Ugly Cartoon Characters Fact

You’ll Never Believe This Ugly Cartoon Characters Fact

I love cartoons. They’re a great way to escape into another world, and they can offer some of the best laughs around. However, some of these characters are kind of ugly. Some just don’t have a great design—but that’s not why they’re ugly! In this article, we’ll explore what makes these characters so unattractive and why their looks matter…or don’t matter at all (in some cases).

Pearl and Garnet (Steven Universe)

Pearl and Garnet are a pair of gemstones who have been fused together. This makes them look like a single, larger gemstone with two faces on it. The first face is Pearl’s, while the second is Garnet’s—and it’s usually easy to tell them apart because Pearl has a yellow tint and Garnet has blue. They’re one of the most consistent characters in Steven Universe; they both have their own personalities, designs (with slight differences in coloring), voices actors (who also happen to be married), and even physical appearances! In fact, if you were just looking at them from afar with no context about who they are or why you’re seeing them there then I’d say that these two gems could easily pass as twins without anyone knowing any better than themselves because they look so similar…except when one has blue eyes instead of yellow ones which would immediately give away what gender each person was supposed to be!

But besides all those things being true…they’re still ugly! All right–well maybe not ugly exactly but certainly not attractive either–which means this next part might get tricky: Do we count appearances only? Or do we consider voices too? If we take into account voice acting alone then maybe yes since both characters’ voices sound very much alike despite having different accents depending on where they’re from/what language spoken during production time periods; however if we consider physical appearance alone then no way am I going down this path because both characters’ appearances don’t match up well together at all points throughout their respective seasons’ runtimes.”

Miss Piggy (The Muppets)

Miss Piggy is an iconic character. She has a very distinctive voice and design, and she’s the only female Muppet to appear in every Muppet film. She’s also known for her love of fashion and her rivalry with Kermit the Frog.

Miss Piggy’s most famous role was as Kermit’s sidekick on The Muppet Show; however, it wasn’t until The Muppets Take Manhattan (1984) that we saw her transition into an actual villainess (despite this being far from what most people assume). She wanted to sabotage Kermit by ruining his relationship with his girlfriend Mary Poppins; therefore leading him down a path where he would have died at age 25 if he hadn’t found happiness again through romance instead of despairing over failed relationships like Miss Piggy herself did when she was younger!

Mr. Garrison (South Park)

Mr. Garrison is the only character to have appeared in every episode of South Park. He is a high school teacher and also the principal at South Park Elementary. He’s also known for his catchphrase, “Oh my God, they killed Kenny!” which he utters after learning about any kind of death that occurs on screen (often followed by an impersonation).

Garrison was originally played by Matt Stone and Trey Parker during their teenage years; however when Parker left for college he was replaced by Isaac Hayes who played him until 1997 when he left due to health issues (Hayes died from heart failure in 2008). Since then Trey Parker has taken over playing Garrison again with his characteristic voice but with some changes made like changing his name from “Mr.”

The Kankers (Ed, Edd, n Eddy)

The Kankers are a group of three girls who are bullies and con artists. They were created by Danny Antonucci, and they appear in the Ed, Edd, n Eddy cartoon series.

Tabitha St. Germain voices their leader Edna Krabappel with K.C. Collins voicing her two sisters-in-law Patty and Sonia as well as their father Mr., who is also known as “The Original”. In this episode (Season 1 episode 5), he gives them an idea to steal Jimmy’s wallet when he goes on vacation but gets caught by Jimmy himself when he returns home from vacation later that night while everyone else was sleeping except for him because he had no sleep due to his constant nightmares about being trapped in an elevator shaft with a bunch of other people trying to kill him while they were all laughing at him saying things like “you suck” or “you’re dead meat!” When Jimmy confronts him about what happened earlier today during class break time which involved him sneaking around outside behind some bushes near where everybody else was sitting down talking about how much fun it would be if we could play hide-and-seek with each other instead spending our free time reading books together instead of doing anything productive here at school.”

The Angry Beavers

The Angry Beavers

The beavers are a couple of brothers who live in a dam. They’re very different in personality, with one being laid-back and the other being more uptight. This can be seen most clearly when they talk to each other: their conversations don’t always flow smoothly or make sense. The laid-back brother is voiced by the late Don Messick (a voice actor for many Hanna-Barbera characters), while his uptight brother was voiced by John Kassir (who also voiced Pink Panther).

The adult sister Norberta lives with them along with Pudge (their pet cat).

Meg Griffin (Family Guy)

Meg Griffin is a parody of Lois Griffin, Peter Griffin’s wife and mother of Stewie, Brian and Lois. She is the daughter of Quagmire and Bonnie Swanson (and thus an only child). Her father has left her family multiple times to be with other women while they were growing up; this caused him to lose custody rights over her at one point in time.

She has always been depicted as a ditzy, mean-spirited teenager who beats up anyone who insults or misbehaves around her. She also suffers from an eating disorder which causes her to have severe migraines whenever she eats too much food for any reason other than being hungry; however, it’s not shown if these migraines are real or just part of “Meg’s” personality overall

Eustace Bagge (Courage the Cowardly Dog)

Eustace Bagge is a grumpy old man with a beard. He lives with his wife Muriel, and he’s often seen yelling at Courage the dog for doing things like going outside or eating his food (which makes no sense because it’s not even his).

Eustace also has some other problems: he tends to let his anger get the best of him, which leads him to yell at other people too much; he also doesn’t seem to understand that Courage isn’t supposed to listen when Eustace tells him what to do; lastly but certainly not leastly (and probably most importantly), Eustace seems unaware that his wife has been dead since they got married over 50 years ago!

Boomer (The Powerpuff Girls)

You may not know this, but Boomer is one of the two main villains of The Powerpuff Girls. He’s a criminal who wants to steal a painting from a museum and use it as his own. He disguises himself as various people, including Mr. Keane (the owner of said painting), so that he can get away with his crimes without being caught by anyone. In this episode, he even uses an invisibility cloak to sneak into the museum while they’re closed!

Some of these characters are meant to be ugly; some just don’t have a great design.

Some of these characters are meant to be ugly; some just don’t have a great design. Some are ugly by accident, and some are ugly because of their personality or actions.

It’s important to know what you’re getting into when you decide that your character should be a bit off-putting or unpleasant looking. If you’re going for an aesthetic look (like in The Simpsons), this can get tricky because cartoon characters rarely have realistic proportions—they’re usually drawn with exaggerated features like big eyes or huge hands.


As we’ve seen, there are some very ugly characters in cartoons. This is a great topic for conversation because it can get people thinking about what they think of when they hear the word “ugly.” Some people think that ugly is a bad trait to have, while others may not agree at all! I hope this article has helped you understand how some of these characters came about and why they were created in particular ways.

Author Bio:

David Rusel is my name. I’m from Irvine, in the USA. The majority of the time, I write about various cartoons that are well-known among kids or adults. But today I’m writing about ugly black cartoon characters that are horribly unattractive. since we discussed the primary function of cartoons. No unpleasant cartoon characters were brought forward. Every cartoon series pays them a very vital role. However, we only talk about the cartoon’s key characters in our general discussion. That being the case, I had to write about it.